Updates for EDS tokens - Miners, EDS APY and token burn!!!

Hello EDSer's. It's been a minute since I dropped an update on how things are going with EDS and EDS miners so I thought I'd pull my finger out get it done.


Updates from Eddie Earner


Only 950 EDS miners (EDSM) left!
We are 3/5ths sold out of these and once they are gone, they are gone. EDS miners are currently the only way to mint new EDS tokens into circulation. With 1500 currently issued, each EDS miner is mining roughly 3.5 EDS tokens per year. When all 2500 are sold and staked, each EDS miner will earn roughly 2 EDS tokens per year to yield a 20% per year ROI.



What other miner token mines an income/dividend token?


EDS income APY has increased to 22%
The weekly HIVE income payments being paid out to EDS token holder has been climbing since EDS miners were introduced. Over the past 8-9 weeks, the APY for EDS tokens has increased from roughly 13% to 22% and still climbing. As more EDS miners are issued, the higher the APY climbs for EDS income payments.



Burn, Baby BURN!!
We all love a good token burning and Eddie-earner is no different. EDS or loosely pegged to 1 HIVE each and we offer limited buybacks at 1 HIVE on the exchange. We have bought back 393 EDS from the market at 1 HIVE each and burned them.



  • Total EDS token minted from EDS miners (EDSM) to date - 699.20
  • Total EDS tokens burned to date - 506

We can see from this EDS has no problem buying back newly minted EDS tokens if miners would prefer to sell EDS for HIVE. There is still over 100 HIVE's worth of liquidity on the exchange so the supply is more than the demand which is good as we would prefer users to HODL but at the same time, we'll buy them back at 1 HIVE each and burn them to increase the AYP for reminding users.


That is all the important stuff. Please know that EDS is still only getting started and I aim to get the EDS APY to over 30% and stay over 30%. The only way to get EDS tokens is through miners so if you are interested, you know what you gotta do.

Thank you for reading through the update, the numbers are still looking good and growing at the predicted rate. Watch this space are be part of it 😁

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