My Savings Journey with Saturday Savers Club

Hello Savers, it's Saturday! I have thrown some HBD into savings. I choose a weekly savings plan; it can be done daily in any way one finds it convenient. However, it's important to remember that a little drop of water makes an ocean, so the idea is to save and gradually build my financial life. So here I am to share my savings journey with the Saturday Savers Club (SSC) in Hive.


I started this journey with SSC in September this year, and I love how I have become so intentional with HBD saving, my HP growth, and staking Leo tokens. In the past, I was never serious about savings, but how I have come to be consistent with it since I joined SSC baffles me. I think reading about the progress of other SSCs has been one of my motivations. The more I read how my co-savers are smashing their goals, the more I feel so tuned to continue with this journey and even stretch myself further with my original goals to the updated goal I have now. I think it's a positive influence, and I don't mind getting influenced positively. Do you know what? Gone are the days of my uncalculated spending, and this is the result of being in the midst of savers with like minds. I set a bigger project, wake up to see my written goals just beside my bed, and I keep working towards achieving them. At first, I was like, joining this savers club in September doesn't make any sense. I said to myself that it's better to wait till January next year to join and then set a yearly goal with the club, but I am glad to have rejected that instinct that suggested such to me. Now, I have been onboard since September, with lots of differences in my savings habits and my spending habits. I have a specific intention for my HBD savings, and each time I gaze at my wallet, I smile and say, Yes, I am getting there.

Like I stated in my first SSC post, my intention with my HBD savings is basically to assist my kids school fees. I have three boys, and two are currently in school, while my last son of two years plus will be starting school in January next year. Recently, my husband has been complaining about how high their school fees have become and how uncomfortable it has been for us to keep up with the bills. This current school term that began in September, it wasn't so pleasant paying the huge bills as a lot of other expenses came up at the same time, and this is why I deemed it necessary to start saving now ahead of the second term academic session starting on January 8th, 2024. I decided to visit some schools around and see if I could get a good one with lesser school fees, but it seems like all the schools around us here had a meeting with their fees because the difference in their fees is not meaningful. For my last baby joining in January, I already made an inquiry and received a bill of $149 for him. Adding my other son's fees together with the transportation fee will roughly cost around $500 or even more in total. So if I can save up to $200, which I am almost there, it's going to be a nice support to my husband, and paying the balance wouldn't be a lot of pressure on him.

Let's look into my savings progress...

When I started this journey in September this year, I planned to attain 5k HP, 80 HBD in savings and 1k staked Leo token by the end of 2023, meanwhile I started the year with 1,800 hp. However, I progressed unexpectedly and smashed these figures here, and then updated my goals to what you can see in the table below 👇. The new goal is to achieve 6k hp and 200 HBD by December 31, 2023.


My secondary goal

Leo token1,1501000 achieved

From this table above, I am 123 HP away from my new goal and 10 HBD away as well wheras I have superceded my Leo token goal but will keep staking gradually. #hpud is just few days away and I am going to take part in the exercise, hopefully, I should achieve my HP goal before Christmas.

Plan for the coming week

I will continue to make sure that I publish a post regularly to ensure daily HBD and hp author rewards, and to be active in curation inorder to earn curation rewards as well 😇.

If you wish to get involved with SSC, do check out @eddie-earner or @sally-saver for details about the Saturday Savers Club and activities in this week's report. Many thanks to @shanibeer for running this initiative.


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