Greetings, Steemians!
The below text was written by long-time resident, Katherine (Kairina) Danforth, and asked I present this to you with the accompanying video. It's less than 9 minutes long and is FILLED with stunning pictures of vast open valleys, mountain peaks, spiritual centers and more. All video credits will be found below (copied from Youtube description). Hugs! ❤️
Welcome to Crestone!

Pic by me, no filter, just unabridged beauty.

Straw bale home construction image from HERE.

Pic by William of Yeshe Korlo
Crestone Films created a short movie about Crestone, which examines many aspects of Crestone today, the arts, the community, the Spiritual Centers, and the relationship they all share with nature.
A very long time ago, the Native-Americans had a name for Crestone. It was O-taynang, which meant a place of the heart.
Please enjoy Crestone, "A Place of the Heart".❤️
Crestone Films created this piece for the Crestone Creative District to help promote responsible tourism in our 'place of the heart'.
Funding was provided to the creative arts district by the Saguache County Tourism Council and by a Saguache County Sales Tax Grant from the Saguache County Board of County Commissioners. The Crestone Creative District exists with the generous support of Colorado Creative Industries and the Boettcher Foundation.
A Film by
Douglas Beechwood & Mark Elliott
Executive Producer: Kairina Danforth
Production Assistance: Catherine Wylie & David Elliott
Poem: ' All is Well' by Anam Thubten
read by Mark Elliott
'Kahawi'tha' by Joanne Shenandoah
from the CD Matriarch
Silverwave Records
'Ancient Artefacts', 'Power of Nature', Ancient Civilizations'
by Paul Lawler
De Wolfe Music
A Crestone Films Production
©2015 Crestone Films, Crestone Creative District
I will also be introducing Kairina and her late husband, HOB, by sharing their works in a series: Honoring yourSelf: A Guide to Overcoming Addictions.
For transparency I will be formatting Kairina's posts:
Honoring yourSelf: title of post
To meet William Martino of Authentic Healing click HERE.