Tell me, who are you? Because I really want to know!
In my previous post we talked about the importance of caring about the security of your account before you make it worth something.
My Goal.
In this series, it is my goal to produce a little knowledge bank in bite-size pieces that I can and eventually compile it into a complete post that can be used as a reference guide for new Steemians.
The learning curve as far as I am concerned is part of the proof of brain required to contribute to and gain earnings from the Steem platforms.
However, I don't see any issues with trying to lower that barrier to entry to encourage new users and increase the value of Steems currencies.
Todays Lesson: Who Are you and what are you about?
Wooo Hooo. How exciting after my last two posts talking about the boring stuff like the F.A.Q and security I'm finally going to talk to you about making an actual post.
Ok, so you have probably guessed it we are talking about making an #introduceyourself post (aka Who are you?)
but more than that we are going to discuss the idea of having a really good think about what it is you want to achieve here on steemit (aka what are you about?)
Nearly everyone that is writing to ease your learning curve will have written about this subject and chances are that you have already read an article on it and there are some great reasons for that.
First, most obvious, and probably most interesting to those brand new to Steem Platforms is the fact that it can often be the most profitable in your early days, there are a number of groups and individuals here on steemit that make it a little mission to keep an eye out for good introduction posts and give them a little boost and some friendly advice.
Even now my introduce yourself post remains above my average earning on posts. I don't consider it to be anything special but some kind person referred it to @gogogadgetupvote and it got a little traction, being able to put something like that in my piggy bank so early was what convinced me that being here was worthwhile.
Second, and slightly less obvious is the fact that a well-written #introduceyourself post helps you fellow Steemians know you're a real person and not some filthy spam merchant, it helps them feel more comfortable giving you an upvote, and increases the chances that they will follow you in the interest of seeing what you will add to the community.

Even now my introduce yourself post remains above the average earning on my posts. I don't consider it to be anything special but some kind person referred it to @gogogadgetupvote and it got a little traction, being able to put something like that in my piggy bank so early was what convinced me that being here was worthwhile.
How to introduce yourself.
1. This post is all about you
So seriously who are you its time to let us know.
Take a minute, have a think and start to write what do you love, what do you like, how did you find the Steem platforms, and what do you want to find or contribute here. All those things help people to connect with you, helps others with similar interests identify with you, and help you connect with the community.
Four sentences are not enough a twitter length post with a picture will not do!
2. Pictures, people love pictures
They give us a break from all that reading we have to do and generally makes to whole post more enjoyable to process so chuck you mug up, heck many even suggest a selfie with you holding a Steem logo and your username.
If you have a puppy put that up too people love puppies.

3. Paragraphs, sentences, and grammar oh my.
I personally know that I have far from perfect grammar and spelling but I do know that these things are important if you want to write on steemit.
Get help, get Grammarly it doesn't work perfectly on the platform but it can really useful with spelling, and grammar suggestions.
4. Already Famous.
Already have followers and friends on a more traditional platform like Faceblag?
Make sure you link to your other accounts and preferably a link to a post on that platform announcing your joined steemit after all if you're claiming to be Barak Obama you had better be able to back it up or be tagged for I.D theft.
5. Invite your friends.
Your already on other platforms, you already have followers right? Go ask them to join, give them the chance to benefit from steemit it, give them the chance to support you, bring your community with you.
Lessons coming up.
What are you about?
So many choices ; So Many Platforms
Don't forget to follow @shai-hulud for more lessons in how to steemit, Adventures in the Alphabet or exploring the Myths of Man
My Wife is also a great Steemian worth a follow, check her out @insideoutlet. Below are some of her:
FCK Cancer! COME ON STEEMIT! Don't Let Facebook WIN!
"The Woman Who Moved" - Story Writing Collaboration - Part 2
Kind Regards