Welcome to "The Inquiring Times": by #NewsTeem

To explain What Is #NewsTeem? Let's go back to the beginning. They say that there are no coincidences.... Let's share a drink! To Synchronicity!

(by: @lordmok)

A Few Happy Coincidences

First, I picked a username that sounds sorta like a newspaper. That was not intentional, I just thought it was a clever sounding name. The second happened while writing a series of blogs tracking developments in the "The Case of the Bandwidth Bug". I was brand new, trying to find any possible lead on a situation which was confusing for everyone. In the process, I learned a lot about how Steemit works, and made a lot of friends. In the comments, @drakos fortold the coming of #newsteem.

I didn't want to write about Steem too much because I was brand new, but I found myself becoming attached to the block-chain. I will write what needs to be written. I want to make a living doing something that I would do for free. That's what Oprah told me to do, anyways.

When I'm trying to find information that is not easily found through a google search, I know I need to write. If I can't find the information, then others can't find it either. Another way to choose topics, is by focusing on people, or communities who I believe deserve more attention and appreciation for their work.

"Those Steemians who focus their efforts equally on building social bonds plus thinking in deep ways about things that affect tons of people are the ones who do well on here." @stellabelle - Steemit is a Test

This post by @stellabelle was another inspiration for the creation of this publication. In it, she pointed out some of the individuals and groups who are working to expose abuse of the rewards pool. After reading Steemit is a Test, I knew that I had to write articles promoting the people who work hard to protect our investment here.

Since I have continued to grow and find more sucess, it was recommended for me to become an MSP Greeter. I've been helped by a lot by members of MSP, and there is plenty I can help with. At about the same time, I also became part of the #MSP-Waves Radio Station. This meant a lot of new responsibilities, and less time to write.

I try to help everyone I can, and I end up doing a lot of editing with people to help with their blogs. In return, they are often happy to write articles that I don't have time to write. I help make the blogs look nice, and it comes together fairly nice.

Writing to Learn, Learning to Write

What brought it all together? I met @mikepm74 and we began to collaborate on posts. I give him a topic, and he runs with it. He does research, comes up with interview questions, and writes up the rest of the post. In the mean-time, I am setting up interviews, editing, adding extra resources, and making sure there is a nice reference list at the end.

The Inquiring Times will feature a lot about people who are working to protect the rewards pool, topics which are interesting to the average Steemizen, as well as topics which are a bit more advanced. If you have anything special you want us to write about, feel free to mention it in the comments or on Discord or Steemit.Chat.

Big thanks to @mikepm74, @torico, @narconaught, @steemitbc, and all of you who have helped along the way.

I am proud to present:

First Edition of "The Inquiring Times" by #NewsTeem:

!¡!Protecting the Rewards Pool¡!¡
!¡¡Adventures with the SEC¡¡!
!¡!An Epic List Of Discord Servers¡!¡


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