Why I didn't publish a blog for 10 days, and what's been going on lately :-)

You may have noticed I haven't been blogging as much as usual, until the past few days. 10 Days is a long time for me to not publish a blog. I've been busy busy busy! Which is Great!

Help Me Help You

So, the first thing that happened which began to reduce my blog output is that I became a Greeter with the Minnow Support Project. So, you might be curious about what it takes to be a greeter (or my interpretation of the role). This is what I consider to be my greeter role.

I find new users and try to help them along their way as they transition into this strange new world.

  • Help with markdown, html, editing, and creating good looking posts.
  • Help with understanding steem politics, and etiquette
  • Sharing a number of valuable tools, services, and practices which help new users along the way.

I keep an eye on the various witness tags (witness witness-category witness-updates)

  • Here I advise mis-tagged posts, and offer help to new users as I am able. Of course I have other reasons for paying attention, but I get to do some greeting there also.

I write helpful articles about steemit, and work with other steemians as they do the same.

(By: @lordmok via "Lady of the Steem-Waves" Logo Design Contest. Round #2 Voting)

MSP-Waves Radio Station

On the same day that I became a greeter, @sircork invited me to join the @msp-waves team.

I spend a lot of time (whenever possible) with mspwaves.com/listen open in my browser, this is the soundtrack to my day :-) In case you weren't already aware, the Minnow Support Project has it's own Radio Station!!!!!!

This is 24\7 music and talk. There are all kinds of shows by our favorite steemians, and some new favorites that we just hadn't met before the radio. There are often contests, giveaways, and delegations awarded, the programs on this station benefit our lives in so many ways. An amazing community is building up around this, so be sure to check us out. For more information you can check out this post I wrote about it, that covers how it started. It includes a (slightly out of date) schedule as well as information about the station in general.

Because of my enthusiasm, gratitude, and that post, I became a part of the MSP-Waves Ops Team. There i have a number of responsibilities, most of which don't concern you as a listener. The responsibility that would concern you as a listener, is that I intend to be writing more posts about the station on a semi-weekly (as able) basis. These are fundraiser, informational posts. They will detail more of what the station is about, who the djs are, what the shows about ect. For these posts I donate all liquid rewards, and delegate the sp. Keep your eyes peeled for these.

(Logo by @r0nd0n via: MSPWaves, Live on Air Delegatior Delegation Contest)


You may be familiar with the art posts that I have done over the past month or so. These are all about connecting bloggers, with steemian image creators. This way, the writers don't have to go off site for images, and it increases exposure for the artist and the writers, both.

( @creativesoul via: Sketch Artwork Collaboration)

Because of some of these added responsibilities I haven't been having time to write these posts which show off steemian art-work, and advertise for the Steem-Art Discord Server. This discord server is the only chat server dedicated completely to art, and is run by @artsygoddess. Check it out if you create and love art, also if you are a blogger who wants to find steemians who will let you use their art for your blogs (with a proper reference and a tip).

What I've been doing in the meantime, is working with other bloggers who want to write about and promote Steem-Art and Art Services. I help make sure we get all the details right, and that it's done in the true spirit of the community. Please contact me if you'd like to help or participate in any way. There are many ways that any one of us could help with a bit of time.

The Inquiring Times By: #NewsTeem

This is a brand new initiative I've started (I know, I'm insane). I already wanted to do this. Actually, the fact that I'm too busy to blog every day, was what got me kickstarted into this project. I have a dozen or so unwritten blogs on the back burner at any given moment. During my time here, I seem to have a knack for finding subjects that haven't been extensively written about, or simply initiatives that I want to support. Because of this, I never have enough time to write all the blogs that I want to write.

I decided to try to find some people to write with me. I was recently in the Minnows Accelerator Project Discord Server, when a collaboration competition was announced. This sparked me to ask one @mikepm74 there if he wanted to work with me on some stuff.

I had already contacted both @sherlockholmes and @paulag about a possible interview, so I asked if he would write about those two and their efforts to expose abuse of the rewards pool, as well as expanding our knowledge in general. He wrote, I set up the interviews, and edited. It was a great joint effort, for which we share credit as equals. Thus began #newsteem.

Showing off the efforts of those who are fighting abuse on this platform is the first major issue we are covering. Expect much much more from us as we slide into a new year :-) At the moment, I'm working on building a team of writers to help cover the topics that matter to our community. If you are interested, feel free to find me in the NewsTeem channel on SteemitBC Discord Server.

Thanks for stopping by. As you can see, I'm always quite busy. However, I'm never too busy to lend a helping hand to a new user, or make a new friend.

Feel free to check out this Writing Prompt Contest I just posted for last night!

Have fun, and Steem On!

Proud member and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - Brought to you by:




I'm going to use this space to congratulate myself on writing this blog in only 3 hours! This is the quickest blog ever. I'm starting to get used to some of the ins and outs of html and figuring out why my whole post is centered when I only wanted one thing centered. ;-)

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