Hi Steemians!
I just finished writing a blog about a new server opening on Discord, but in the process I asked myself, well, how many other Steemit servers are there on Discord? The number may surprise you.

photo credit @torico
After extensive research and clicking on links to verify that each one is active, I have compiled the following list. Anyone who is active on a Discord Server that is not mentioned below, and wants to be included on this list, please contact me via direct message or reply below and I will edit you in. I hope to update this list every so often to keep it current!

intro: crypto-currencies, projects, trading crypto currencies, open value networks, etc
@adsactly - The Power of Community
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/Psm9dAc
intro: creating community with optimism, sharing passions and connecting
@whatamidoing - On Being Awesome
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/BzJXrcQ
intro: a group that solves issues with and monitors the Bellyrub upvote bot
@zeartful - please welcome@bellyrub
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/Tmp9Mxt
intro: this is all about cats. and cat photos, memes, and other cat...things.
invite: https://discord.gg/ZHX3pEn
intro: MSP/ Peace Abundance Liberty (see below) group that monitors flagging abuse
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/de28puf
Looking for Niche
intro: a group that will help you set up, search for tools and information, and expand a community of people who share the same interest
@rawbinhutt- Looking for a Niche
invite: https://discord.gg/9sN827T
Minnow Accelerator Project
intro: a private server that runs an initiative to help minnows. MAP project
However you must sign up (see below link) to enter the room.
@accelerator - Minnow Accelerator Project
intro: delegated SP leasing, upvote bot, managing and growing wallet
web: https://www.minnowbooster.net/
@minnowbooster - Introducing Minnowbooster
invite: https://discord.gg/paeRK2F
intro: minnow community to answer questions, help with upvotes
@alchemage - MinnowsUnite Discord Server
invite: https://discord.gg/cdb5u25
Novalord Industries (/steempocaplypse)
intro: creative community; all things steem-pocalypse, blackcat brigade
@novaatebatman - What-Novalord Industries Is...
invite: https://discord.gg/yrUYdcD
Peace Abundance Liberty
intro: Minnow Support Project server; this group has numerous projects and the most active members
website: http://minnowsupportproject.org/
@juliakponsford -Minnows Newbies come join us
invite: https://discord.gg/E2fYkeb
intro: new server that promote artistic/creative projects and collaboration
@inquiringtimes - Welcome to Art Services
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/rjDej4J
Steem BnB
intro: lightly used server dedicated to AirBnb for steemers
invite: https://discord.gg/mKFWnrR
intro: monitors abuse, plagiarism, and harrasment on steemit; known for #cheetah bot
@steemcleaners - Steemcleaners Guide for dealing with Abuse
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/TZcJU88
Steem Deep Think
intro: a community project promoting quality writers of the humanities
@steemdeepthink -SteemDeepThink Weekly Digest
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/7ByEban
intro: focus on technology, media, art, gardening, more!
@cryptocash - Steem In new Discord chat server
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/JV7XDV
intro: lightly used server on media
@steemgigs - Steemgigs Discord Server
invite: https://discord.gg/yt7GWdS
Steemit Local Music Society
intro: music photography discussion and networking
@jasonrussell - Steemit Local Music Society Discord
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/WPhMXfM
Steemit Talk Radio
intro: a place for Live Podcasting, Recording Archives
@steemittalk - Hello I am the Steemit Talk Podcast
web: https://steemittalkpodcast.wordpress.com/
invite: http://bit.ly/discord-steemittalk-radio
intro: estoteric and occult themed stuff
@antonchanning - Magickal Steemians getting organised
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/bcyHnRH
intro: chat about trading and crypto; live talk radio
@bitcoinparadise - Guide Steemspeak Chat on Discord
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/sqxV63P
intro: curation, community and support for authors
@steemtrail - Steemtrail Daily Introduction
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/S6XEAUw
intro: voice chat venue where you can create, manage and moderate channels
@beanz - Instruction Manual on the Steem Venue
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/zBCQ7Zy
Tatsumaki's Lounge
intro: a discord wide bot that does a bunch of neat things
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/7AYAyY7
TypicalBot Lounge
intro: group that monitors typicalbot
web: https://typicalbot.com/
docs: https://typicalbot.com/documentation/
invite: https://discord.gg/typicalbot
intro: a mentoring service for new steem writers
@fatpandadesign - The Unmentionables
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/jwFEY5r
intro: group that supports stories from the unheard or conflicted
@voiceshares - Introducing Voice of Steemit Project
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/zjrNnj8
intro: community to help upvote and promote members thru vote sharing
@eirik/steemgig -A Complete Guide on how to use Whaleshares
invite: https://discord.gg/BTnPutH

the discord steem-art server