Table of contests:
- What is Looking For Niche – The Brief Overview
- A Bit Of History
- LFNCOIN – The Looking For Niche Coin
- Users Having Success With Looking For Niche
- How does the Looking For Niche Tool and WhaleBoT work?
- Current "Problems" We Want To Tackle
- A Summary Of Our Vision
What is Looking For Niche – The Brief Overview
Looking For Niche is many things. Here is a brief overview of what it is and some of the things we do:
Looking For Niche is a:
- Community for finding like-minded people
- Community for finding other communities (A community hub, if you will)
- Tool to find like-minded people by signing up to the tags that interest you
- Tool that exists in many Discords - not just our own (through WhaleBoT)
- Place to kick-start niche communities
- Place to promote your niche community and get rewarded when you keep on growing it.
Our home is the Looking For Niche Discord, which you can find here:
A Bit Of History
Two months ago, I started the Looking For Niche (LFN) Project. I envisioned a place where everyone could get together and find like-minded people in their niches. I hoped it would someday become a place as well as a tool that would help attract interest for even the smallest of niches.
At first, the process was manual. You had to ask the Looking For Niche Discord chat if anyone was interested that thing you like. It was not optimal though, so soon after the incarnation of the project, @alexpmorris helped by coding my bot idea into WhaleBoT, automating the process of finding people like you!
Now we are more than 280 members, many of which have started searching for buddies on the Looking For Niche Discord server! We have already helped kick-start friendships and even whole communities!
If you do not know, how that works, do not worry, I will elaborate further down this post. For now, know that you can use the LFN tool on our Discord chat to sign up to tags. If you sign up to a tag, it will show you others who also like that tag. That way you can find each other instantly!
LFNCOIN – The Looking For Niche Coin.
Not only, have we found friends and helped found communities, Looking For Niche also has its own CryptoCurrency token now: LFNCOIN.
LFNCOIN is a token that is rewarded to people who help Looking For Niche as well as their own niche grow! In other words, you now get rewarded for growing a community and making friends. 1 LFNCOIN is currently worth a 100 % upvote from me (that will be adjusted as needed).
If you want to know, how to use LFNCOIN, head over to this introduction:
LFNCOIN for LFN Community Upvotes!
I want to show people, that there is always someone interested in the same thing they are – also that obscure niche only few know about. By incentivizing community builders to keep building, I think we can help build not just those communities, but in my opinion all of Steemit as a platform for the smallest of hobbies and interests.
I see many users not engaging anyone. The only thing they end up doing, is post their Steemit links in post-promotion chat rooms, never getting many eyes on their content. By engaging others through those chat rooms instead, you have a unique chance to get to know others, and get your content seen by people that care.
By using the LFN tool, you are able to find people that are much more likely to about you and your content. When I introduce the tool, most people do not understand what it does until they try it. At first, you might not find anyone in your niche tag, but soon enough, when you try signing up for a few different tags you like, and others do the same, you get connected with real, like-minded people, that care!
Looking For Nichetive
We want to incentivize community builders to keep building. We will do this by helping users start their communities and support these communities with LFNCOIN as rewards, as long as they keep their community active and growing. We call this Looking For Nichetive. It is a way for Looking For Niche to support your small community project, and give you a small token of thanks for creating things for Steemit to take part in.
Users Having Success With Looking For Niche
@outerground was looking for people interested in street photography and street-art. I helped him set up a Discord as well as give him some pointers for starting. Today he runs a community about exactly street photography and street art! You can check that community out here:
Street Photography / Street Art Photography COMMUNITY on Discord.. All Welcome !
If you want to join the the street-photography/street-art chat community, head over to their Discord here: https://discord.gg/GZfYTqc
@paulag was looking for different data-analysis, business intelligence and excel type of tags. She found another person interested in studying data: @datageek. This led to Paula giving @datageek free access to her online teaching material. Now @paulag is starting up a business intelligence community on Steemit known as BISteemit. Check out one of her latest posts about an analysis of Steemit delegation here:
Analysis of Delegation and Steemit Data Challenge – Steemit Business Intelligence
@heart-to-heart signed up to the community and quickly, started looking for people interested in travel and health. Since then, she started looking for people in the tag vegan – and now she ended up founding a community about veganism! She is running a competition to get the community going right here:
Attention: There's a New Competition in SteemitTown! Weekly Challenge Starting This Week! Enter Now!
@heart-to-heart is now one of our Looking For Niche Community Advocates

Our latest Community Advocate @steempowerpics have started looking for people interested in gardening and hydroponics. He recently wrote a post about his impressive backyard oasis project on the @steempowergarden account:
Backyard Oasis Project - Part 1 - Building Our Koi Pond
He hope to find more people interested in gardening and hydroponics, so if that is you, head over to our Discord and hit him up!

Helping start communities and promoting them too
In Looking For Niche we want to help you find your niche and build a community around it. You are able to find people that like your content and in turn, you probably like their content too! By starting your community with LFN we can help you get going, and get the word out there. If you keep growing the community, we will even help reward your community with LFNCOIN along the way!
We have even rewarded users who have helped others find their niche and niche communities! It is all about incentivizing everyone to keep growing and keep on going. No matter how alone you seem to be – you certainly are not!
How does the Looking For Niche Tool and WhaleBoT work?
WhaleBoT is really easy to use. First make sure you are connected to our Discord server. Click this link, if you are not: https://bit.ly/lookingforniche
Step 1
Now on the Discord server, go to the channel known as "looking-for-niche-tagging". In there you will find people already using the Looking For Niche Tool.
Step 2
In the "looking-for-niche-tagging" channel, just write the following:
- Whalebot LFN And then your niche
That could for example be:
- Whalebot LFN Gaming - if you are a gamer looking for other gamers.
And you will find others in your niche!
Here is an image of how that works:

See? WhaleBoT introduced me to others interested in Gaming. Now I can start chatting with them, follow them or maybe collaborate with them in the future on a post about gaming!
If you want to know more about how that works go here:
WhaleBoT - How To Use It And What It Can Do For You 🐳
Current "Problems" We Want To Tackle
We want to grow of course:
When more people use the Looking For Niche tool, more people will be able to find a niche. Even if you already have an established community, signing up to that tag through the Looking For Niche Tool can help others find you and your community.
We are small fish in the sea:
My Steemit account @rawbinhutt is relatively small compared to other community starters. It is still limited what I can achieve alone. This is why I enlist others to help me as Community Advocates and more. If you would like to help, contact me through the Looking For Niche Discord: https://bit.ly/lookingforniche
Right now I get help from two amazing folk: @steempowerpics and @heart-to-heart. Maybe I can add you to that list one day?
People do not understand what Looking For Niche is:
I can see why it can be hard to "get it" right away. Looking For Niche is still a young community and it is a whole new way to find like-minded people and build communities for Steemit. The best way to learn about it is to try the tool yourself. It is really easy to use, once you see it in action. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.
A Summary Of Our Vision
Looking For Niche seek to empower niche content creators and communities by giving people a platform where they can find each other - and even the smallest of niches. We hope to grow large enough for every single Steemian to be able to find someone else interested in their content. We support communities that partake in the Looking For Nichetive by giving the community builders and their users rewards, guidance and promotion, so they can be seen and heard.
We wish to continue growing and hope you will take part in our journey.
Become a member of Looking For Niche today!
All you have to do is join our Discord server by clicking the image below