Braveheart aka William Wallace aka Bugs, because sometimes he eats bugs.

This cat is my best friend. He's a rescue kitten and I bottle fed him from 4 weeks old.

I treat him like a dog and whistle for him when it's time to come home and he almost always listens. When I was traveling he would sit on the dashboard of my RV and watch out the windshield as the beautiful landscapes would pass us by. Out in the woods where we camped, he would follow along with me as I would go on hikes and either follow me back, or he'd wander off and do his own thing and meet me back at the RV each evening. I was the only person at any hot spring who had a cat chilling next to them.

This dude is uber special to me and is probably my only real grip on reality these days. Bugs is my familiar, and if you're unaware of this term then I will briefly explain it. A familiar is a magician's assistant, normally an animal, which guides and helps them through their magickal workings. I'll write a full explanation later, but that covers the gist of it. :)

I love this cat.

Lazing around is his thing. :D
braveheart 2.jpg


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