Hi everyone,
You know how I'm all about developing relationships, so here is a "challenge" for everyone to do just that!
@snowpea started it, @thedarkhorse tagged me in it, and here are the original rules:
List five things that you love
List five things that you really dislike
Use the tag loveitshoveit
Edit: rule change, I've seen comments of people saying they wish they could tag more than 5, so now you can tag whoever you want to get to know better! As many people as you want! And remember anyone can join! If you're reading this, and you want to create a love it/shove it post, I would love to see it! It's been so much fun reading them all!!
Without further ado...Part One...
Truthfully, it's very difficult for me to pick only 5 things that I love because I really do love almost everything. Seriously...I'm one of those people. So here's my top 5:
- @briancourteau and my two sons who are now 20 and 23. Life would be empty without them.
- Water. Swimming. The ocean. The sun. All of nature actually ;) How can you not notice it?
- Learning. and Teaching. I was a teacher for many years and I always felt that I was learning as much as my students, and I loved almost every minute of it. Almost ;)
- Life. Living with my eyes open (thank you again @drkent:), breathing, listening, seeing...all of it! We are all so lucky to be here, and to truly experience it all is a gift!
- Animals. I could easily become a crazy dog, cat, fish, turtle... lady;) Thankfully Brian keeps that from happening, but I do have my cat Buddy who's a rescue that Brian surprised me with on my birthday last year. He's smart, fat, cute and the boss. Any cat person here will understand!
On to Part Two...
Here are the 5 things that I'm not too crazy about:
- People who are negative. It is so draining. Eeyore was cute in an annoying sort of way , but in real life, it is terribly depressing and tiring.
- People who don't accept responsibility for their own life, and for the the things that seem to randomly happen to them;) Yes peeps, you had a little something to do with that.
- People who get a pet and don't take care of it. Puppies and kittens grow up; that shouldn't be news.
- People who chew with their mouths open...especially loud banana eaters. Is there a worse sound?
- Eggplant. Period.
Part three: Who to tag??
I decided to choose a couple people from each Discord group that I belong to. Although these are all people know, they are people I want to know better ;)
ok, here it goes...
@foxyspirit, @bashadow, @crazybgadventure, @shai-hulud, @gillianpearce, @raymondspeaks, @smylie2005, @tifaong, @coolguy123, and @themanwithnoname
Feel free to gracefully bow out if you've already been tagged by someone else or it you weren't tagged and want to jump in, feel free to do that as well!
Thanks everyone!! Cheers :)
...oh shoot, I forgot steemit and all the people here on my list of likes! I totally should have put that! Ok, that's a given from here on out ;)

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