How Working on the MSP-Waves Mission Statement Shaped my Life as a Steemizen.
As a new member of the @msp-waves team, one of the first tasks I was handed, was to work on a draft of the Mission Statement @SirCork wrote back in august.
This required editing, and contacting each member of the team in sequence, then re-editing based upon everyone’s suggstions. This is a process that took weeks, while trying to get a busy bunch of people to work with this important document one at a time.
It was a difficult job for a reason. This is a most important document, that we all needed to have input on and agree about as a team. The “MSP-Waves Mission Statement” is the driving force behind who we are as an organization.
Here is the result of those efforts:
"It is the duty, mission, and honor of MSP Waves Radio and all of our associated personnel to HELP PEOPLE: whomever, whenever, wherever and however we are able. The ideals which guide us to serve this community are Kindness, Care, Servitude, as well as the virtues of Benevolence, and Generosity. Fueled by Gratitude, we seek every opportunity to benefit the community to the best of our ability.
These fundamental principles align with those of our parent organization, The Peace, Abundance & Liberty Network(PAL). Our participation as the broadcast component of the Minnow Support Project reflects the values of the MSP Waves Radio crew and the creed of the Minnow Support Project."

To Help People.
If you had to boil that down into a three word sentence, that would be it.
"To Help People."
That wasn't enough, because it begs the question: "Why?"
"Fueled by Gratitude, we seek every opportunity to benefit the community to the best of our ability."
I am grateful to be a part of a community which holds the principles outlined in that statement. I'm grateful to be a part of the Steemiverse. This is an incredible opportunity. To work with so many amazing people towards the benefit of all.
My gratitude for your efforts is what impels me to give more of my time towards helping others.
Some still might ask this question:
"Why should I care about the benefit of everyone?"
The reason is, that the success of each person on this platform benefits all of us. The better new users do, the higher retention rate, the more investments are coming into our world. Investments both of time and money.
That’s the selfish reason, but it’s not only selfish. I’ll say it again.
What benefits the community, benefits the individuals, and what benefits individuals also benefits the entire community.
In fact, the seemingly “selfish” ways of abusing the system are actually counter productive in the long-term. By scam and spam, you depreciate the value of the of the community you are trying to exploit. In reality you could benefit so much more by working along with a community that gives generously to those who add value.
You can come here with nothing, and add value to the community, and the community will give back to you.

Thank You
Becoming an MSP Greeter and working with the MSP-Waves Mission statement, are two events which have shaped my Steem-Life for the better. These roles found me at a time where I could have thrown myself wholly into blogging, working for my own benefit. Those two events, however, have ensured that I am here working for the greater good.
I can not forget about the people who have helped me along the way. So many have shaped my experiences here and enabled me to enjoy this beautiful life with you all. I will be writing a more extensive Thank You post tomorrow, so I will leave this here for now.
Forever Grateful.
Peace Abundance Liberty
Offering service and support to the community, is a good place to start if you are looking for Peace Abundance and Liberty.
Patience is the "Golden Rule".
Let us Grow Together
If you want help with your blog, or finding a niche, or a guided tour, find me in, the discord app, or right here in the comments section! <3

- Listen now!! MSP-Waves!
- @sircork - Introduction to our Mission Statement, and A Day in the Life at MSP-Waves.
- MSP-Waves Mission Statement and Expanded Show Schedule
- My Application for Greeter Role. Help me, Help You.
- MSP-Waves History and Mini Interviews
- Why I didn't publish a Blog for 10 days.
Have Fun, and Steem On!