Hello Friends and Bananafish followers!
Chatting with @tryskele on the @greetersguild discord channel, I got curious about this awesome initiative by @thedarkhorse (click here for the contest page), whose aim is to support and encourage new steemians with quality underrated content.. For those who don't know me (and even those who do), Monday is special for me since it's the reward day for my Finish the Fiction Story Contest, hence I'm just a bit overwhelmed in this double posting but, you know what?
Who cares! I know a lot of awesome underrated steemians so.. let's do it!
Graphics by @thedarkhorse
For my first entry to the contest, I will be featuring:

@cyemela: Making Red Roses the Audiobook

I met Cyrus through my fiction writing contest and from the beginning I've been impressed by how polyhedric he can be in his stories. When he writes he's never banal and since I started reading his blog I've always been engaged in imaginary worlds, whether they are nightmares of a dystopic future or poetic visions of contemporary society.
Cyrus is a professional author, he has written for the Ashland Daily Tidings, Jefferson Public Radio, the Inlandia Institute, and the Talent Poetry Readings. His ebooks can be found on sale on Amazon and I have to say I was truly impressed by his collaboration in his book "Lost Angel" with Ray Manzarek, one of the founders of the Doors, whose myth will live forever with his theremin and great solos.
@cyemela's work in progress is the audiobook for his historical novel "Red Roses", I will quote from Amazon:
Red Roses, a heart-pounding page turner through the last months of Richard III's life. Seen from the eyes of the Priest of Durham.
"This Shakespeare meets Voltaire retelling of Richard III will spark a new debate on the Monarch’s legacy." – Critical Acclaim
I found it very interesting to follow his diary about his audiobook project, it's a window in the life of an author and, I have to say, I'm definitely learning something about time management and perseverance.

@papacrusher: You Can't Go Home Again

Papacrusher defines himself as "a lover of the written word, wanderer of the wayside, protector of the unprotected". Already so evocative. His writing skills and versatility are evident, whether he's writing poetry, prose, or talking about his life experiences. I knew him some months ago and I loved from the beginning his gaze on the world and his mastery in playing with words. If you look for a deep, elegant writer he's the one. I also have to say that his cultural background is evident (he's a reader of Ernest Hemingway like me!). And now I'd like to just quote a passage from the post I linked, to give you a better idea of what I'm talking about:
I will do my duty, I will travel back to that place of desolation. I will face my demons who wait with bated breath for my return like a long lost lover biding the time until the object of her affection returns. They wait to embrace me with familiar arms and knowing giggles. They want so desperately for me to be that man I have toiled to throw off my heavy, heavy laden shoulders. They may be the only ones who truly know the what I have hidden so deep within me, like a secret poem only I know the rhyme and reason to.
You can't go home again.....and honestly I would rejoice if this cruel penance would pass me by.

@figuringoutsrn: Mackerel and cheese. Love is a disease

What can I say about @figuringoutsrn, a.k.a. "The Mad Engineer"? If you will feel brave enough to dive into his blog prepare yourself for an allucinogenic trip that will blow you away and leave you with clever and provoking questions thumping into your mind (Should you kill your mother for your psychological health?.. Why it is best to never have a childhood? Science Explains). I don't or I can't say too much about him.. just that he's a talented poet and definitely one of the most original steemians I have ever met. His blog is coherent and he shows a constant stylistic choice, with his bichromatic painting and his hammering questions as a title. Check his blog, you will never regret!

And that's all folks! This contest was a great opportunity for me to dig deeper in the accounts of some of my steemian friends, there are incredible people in this community and, quoting @giddyupngo there in the comments.. it's always nice to know what's behind the username!