My Entry to: "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 4 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty" by @thedarkhorse

The following is my entry to the:

Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 4 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty by @thedarkhorse

The featured bloggers/steemians in this entry are as follows:

1. @scrawly

Reputation: 45.7, 233 posts, Age: 22 days

I nominate @scrawly for his blog:

I first came across one of his post about a week ago and was impressed with his drawing and how he presented his work. In his post that I am featuring today, he introduced his audience to the character "Wuxia Girl" by giving a little background on the character, as you can see below.

Wuxia’s literal translation is martial heroes, and it is a genre of Chinese fiction about magic, martial arts, and superheroes. The men and women in wuxia are usually very beautiful and graceful; they can recite poems fluently while they’re kicking asses with their jians and fans. Awesome, isn’t it? _

I believe that giving his audience some background on the character in point, is really a good practice that he has incorporated into his work. Having such knowledge about the characters that he presents to us, helps in making his work more meaningful and alive. With this, we are able to truly appreciate the artwork. This too, I believe, gives us an insight into how much effort and passion there is in his work.

The actually format of his post is also quite clear and easy to follow as he utilizes headings and necessary spacing:

Drawing process, step by step


And to top it all off, he gives us an:

Animation step by step

This is a beautiful animation that blows breath into the picture, allowing it to interatc with us.

As an aspiring artist, I think that he already fully understands the importance of presentation.

2. @tinadahmen

Reputation: 41.7, 37 posts, Age: 96 days

I nominate @tinadahmen for her blog:

@tinadahmen started her self introduction by showing an appreciation for the readers' time by simplying asking some rhetorical questions that would help the reader to determine whether or not her blog would be useful to them. Such a different and interesting start already had me hooked.

Would you read my story on how I travel the world and build mini businesses along the way? Would you read it if I share stories on how it is to venture around the world as a solo female traveller?

Would it be interesting for you to know how and if it is possible to keep relationships while travelling?

She gave us a very detailed introduction of herself which highlighted her passions and her numerous experiences as a nomad. With almost nine (9) years of experience in travelling to different countries, she showed us that she possesses much life lessons and experiences that will add value to the steemit community.

@tinadahmen is also a youtuber so I know that she can also do much with Dtube, if she chooses to use it. Her determination to succeed and her willingness to learn is quite captivating. Her self-introduction flowed well and I was able to clearly envision her journey as she took us on the ride that changed her life forever.

I had changed SO MUCH in the last 3 months. I have had so many great (and not so great) experiences... which would have never happened in 100 years in the villages I used to live in...

If I wouldn't have left 'home' I wouldn't have evolved as a person and still would be the small grey mouse in the village, sitting behind the counter in Aldi or serving beers at the weekend to fat guys who are unsatisfied with their lives.

I was also quite impressed with how well she presented her story being a non-native speaker of English. She did a great job of showing us what value she will offer to the community. @tinadahmen is the kind of content creator that we "organic" steemians speak of.

Additionally, she is presently working on a guidebook about Bali, where she currently resides. This book, I believe, will become of much use to persons who wish to visit Bali someday.

3. @incredibleirah

Reputation: 37.8, 24 posts, Age: 23 days

I nominate @incredibleirah for her blog:

@incredibleirah showcased her writing skills by using a well written poem to commence her self-introduction. By the time one gets to the end of the poem, they would have met and understood the journey of this talented writer.

Silence that was welled up by her tears did not bring her down,
comforted by the realm of ink and pages she considers as her hometown.
She may be silenced by the weariness from her tears,
but never by the power of art and written words casting out her fears.

I thought her ability to play with words coupled with her jovial deportment is one that could earn a place here on steemit.

Her expression of gratitude to @chuuuckie, who introduced her to the platform, her readers and steemit in itself (the existence of it) spoke volume about her character and meekness. She invited us into her comfort zone by expressing her innermost feelings and thoughts about who she is. This, I believe, makes readers more open to welcoming her to steemit.

She ended her self-introduction by giving us an idea of what she hopes to share on her blog with fellow steemians.

Here are some of the things that you can expect from my blog:
. write-ups (non-fic, fic, poetry, reviews, random)
. random art
. photographs
. music
. vlogs (soon, I guess?)

This was yet, another well thought out self-introduction which sought to inform us of her why, when, where and how.

"I am submitting this entry as a previous nominee, who was featured by @freedomshift and for the bonus: Bonus for Entering "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 4 - Win SBI & Steem-Bounty"

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