Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 9 - Genuine and Sincere Content

Hello Steemians

Thank to @thedarkhorse for make possible this contest, it is a huge window to all newbie user like me will be visible in this immense ocean.

If you want to know more about this contest, Click Here

In week 2, as nominee, i posted about to be genuine and sincere in Steemit. concluding:

Do not focus so much on quality (Monetary) / followers / votes, let everything flow and simply go step to step. make your way when walking, even if only you want to obtain the monetary remuneration.
Is better forget a bit of all this and write what you want, in a genuine and sincere way..

In my modest opinion, it is the better way

This is my fifth Entry in the contest, how quickly the time has passed...

My previous entries:

Week 2 - As Nominee
Week 3 - Entry 21
Week 4 - Entry 03
Week 5 - Entry 15
Week 6 - Entry 14
Week 8 - Entry 15

I've been looking in a lot of post for genuine and sincere content.

This week, i found 2 more excellent blog. I hope you enjoy reading it :)

I loved their posts, they are very pleasants, genuines and sinceres, you will surely enjoy reading them and for a few moments you will be transported to their world.


, she describe herself in a very especific way:
I am a beautiful woman born in Augsburg, Bayer, Germany. I am a multiracial girl, my father is a citizen of Spainiard, while my mother is a German citizen, sometimes I often move from home my father and mother. In Spain I live in my father's house in pontevedra, Galicia, Spain.

She write about her hobbies,...

Look Beautiful, Travel and the Nature.
As a woman, of course I am very happy to look beautiful, make up a hobby that I often do, I also very often traveling, I visited a beautiful place. I love the beach and I love nature too, I am proud to be alive to feel that beauty. Hopefully I can travel further to be able to see the beauty of this world, I have often felt Loneliness and willingness, I often eliminate the sadness of power with the traveling

Look Beautiful :)

@aledehamel like nature. Specifically beaches.

She like swimming and snockling.

Swimming is also my favorite hobies. A 50-meter pool with clear blue water, or it could be a lake or a sea, is a sensation for me. I really like swimming and snockling.

Traveling is more than just go to anywhere, is something more internal for @aledehame.

@aledehamel is proud to be a multiracial girl.

You are multiracial, do you have many languages?
Yes, I can speak some languages like Spanish, german, Italian, and English.

And Steemit?.

Her goal here in Steemit is to share with us their experiences, life story and knowledge.

Here I am just trying to comply with my desire to share with you a bit, both the experience, the life story, and the knowledge I have, It is possible that what I do can benefit me, and to you.

Do you want know more about @aledehamel?, then, check out her Post


@kathrina-sofie started her introduce with very important questions: Who am I? What do I want? Where do I belong?

It probably starts with the question, who am I? To introduce myself and attempt to pigeonhole myself, leads me directly to the essential questions of life: Who am I? What do I want? Where do I belong?

Kathrina´s Conclusion:

Kathrina tell us about her childhood and how she discovered her pasion, Art.

In the quest to know who and what I am, who I would like to be, what is really important, why the world is the way it is, what my place is in it and how this all plays together - I've discovered art for myself. In my childhood there was nothing better after school than tossing my schoolbag in the corner and starting on the really important things in life: painting, drawing, handicraft.

@kathrina-sofie, eventually learned the techniques of oil painting

And @kathrina-sofie, completed a full time training in sculpting.

In the meantime I’ve completed a full time training in sculpting and occupied myself with learning the techniques of oil painting, to have better options to express myself artistically.

@kathrina-sofie give us a very use reflection about how pictures can be tremendous expressives, even in complex topic.

The language of pictures has a tremendous expressiveness for me. Pictures have the magic to bring complex topics or deep feelings straight to the point. For example, you can endlessly philosophise about how tragic it is that elephants get killed only for their ivory, but once you see a photo it becomes much more real.@kathrina-sofie give us a very use reflection about how pictures can be tremendous expressives, even in complex topic.

My paintings and sculptures are an expression of my subjective view of this world. I focus on topics which engage or touch me.

It interests me to attempt to depict a situation or a feeling in a way that you immediately understand what it’s about.

And Steemit?

Here on Steemit I would like to invite you to join me on my creative journey in this life.
I would like to share my world with you and let you get inspired, to help quicken your thinking or bring a smile to your face.
I’m looking forward to our time together!

What else can we say? @kathrina-sofie is an angel :)

Do you want know more about @kathrina-sofie?, then, check out this Post

Themed 3rd Featured Blogger

Optional: Themed 3rd Featured Blogger (New Theme) New Theme for the Optional Featured Blogger! This week besides your 2 Mandatory Featured Bloggers the bonus Feature spot will be one for someone that has a Pay It Forward Mentality. You can feature any Blogger out there and help share with the community why you feel they are helping Pay It Forward.
... or active service member, or those who give back to the steemit community here on steemit, but they need to have a recent blog post to be able to link to.

He is making a lot of work for the contest, require a lot of time organizate all data about the nominees for give rewards. That is a Pay It Forward Mentality

Friends, thank for read my post

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