My Entry for the Pay-it-Forward Curation Contest - Week 9

I love finding new under-valued Steemians and this contest is a great excuse to find fabulous bloggers whose post aren't getting the attention they deserve. In case you aren't aware, the Pay It Forward Curation Contest is a weekly challenge from @thedarkhorse to find bloggers to promote.

I'm proud to say that I've been a participant of this contest from the very beginning - and am also thrilled to have been a featured blogger 3 times now, I think it is.

This weeks two featured, undervalued bloggers follow...

Selection 1 - @francismoure


This guy really caught my attention with his beautiful shots from Venezuela! The post is accompanied by well-written and informative text.

As I look down his blog, he is very active with good posts throughout. Not only are there more travel posts at a similar or higher caliber, but he's also participating in many of the photo-related contests. I think he's a blogger well worth following.

Selection 2 - @miguelbarreto


As you know, I don't shy away from foreign language posts, especially Spanish which I can read okay. However, you don't have to worry because Miguel has also posted in very good English for our convenience!

This is just his introduction post, but I found it to be of extremely high quality. He tells us all about himself and who he is. He includes both photos and a YouTube clip of some rap that he has done. I will tell you the truth that I'm not a huge rap fan, but even I find Miguel's song easy to listen to.

I think this guy is going places and needs the support of our community to make it work! Miguel Barreto is worth following.

Bonus Selection - @lynncoyle1

(Someone with a pay-it-forward attitude)
Okay, I know @insideoutlet has already featured her this week, but I need to as well!

This woman is all kinds of amazing!
@lynncoyle1 is the one who got me involved on Discord. I'm actually a fairly shy person when it comes to things like chat and things like that where I have to be instant. Yet, by inviting me to that group, she really did change my Steemit life!

It's not to say that @lynncoyle1 has an easy life. She doesn't. Caring for her cancer-ridden husband must take a huge mental/emotional/physical toll on her, but she still finds the time to talk to us and share her story.

Caring is simply a part of her life, whether it's her husband, local stray dogs, the other wildlife, or helping minnows find their way upstream here on Steemit.

If you haven't already run into @lynncoyle1 here, you really should make a point of meeting her.

Anyway, that's it for my selections this week - see you again next week for more Pay-it-Forward!!!

Lori Svensen – Viking Visual & A'mara Books

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