[POEM] - Sail into the Sunset of Life's Final Conclusion - CREATE EPIC POEMS #2

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Tell us the Stories of those you had loved,
Your very essence is writ upon their life.
Forget not the journey, its' overlapping paths,
when you were down, broken, faced with strife.

Our souls are a timeless force of the Verse,
Sympathetic Resonance is how we connect.
Your essence is stored in your bodies magnetic field,
the First Language of the Great Father Architect.

You will return to the World born anew someday,
there are many of this Realms lessons left to learn.
You'll live a thousand lives, and then a thousand more,
and that which you Love will be there when you return.

Your form may be different, and the reunion fleeting,
our paths may only cross but once and a while,
Do not resist the Great Webs' forever hold,
A firm give and take over that which you beguile.

This is one of many times you will learn to adore,
the random meeting and spent time with others.
You'll do it over and over, fun time after time,
for about Seventy-Five Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summers.

Fear not the journey, back to Infinite Great Source,
you've made the trip before, but don't remember.
You'll be drawn here forever and always because,
it's from there that's the Source of your Souls Ember.

All from the One, and One from them All.
We must realize distance is all but an illusion.
Stick forever by my side for love, life, laughs
as we Sail into the Sunset of Life's Final Conclusion.

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Check out my previous poems!
1 - Moonlight Butterfly
2 - Dandelion Seeds
3 - Abberation
4 - Thief's Song
5 - Queen of Tranquility
6 - Ascension Over Grand Symphonic Omega


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