I was just arguing the merits of a $15 minimum wage with someone. I claimed it was fine, they claimed it was the devil. Both sides to every political argument have "evidence", most of it conjecture or outright fabricated to beg the question. In the end I realized something: we're both right and we're both wrong.

America has been band-aiding its problems for over 100 years. Retired people need money! I know, let's add more debt to our already debt based economy! VoilĂ ! I present to you: Social Security. See? Now you can pay your elders and when you get old those youngins will pay you back in return. Simple and elegant!
See the problem here? Social Security can't be shut down without everyone getting fucked. The goal should have been to create enough revenue to pay off everyone and abolish the system. The goal should have been self-sufficiency. Dig yourself out of the hole you've jumped into. Instead we simply continue to dig deeper and deeper.
And so it is with so many other social programs. We've become fully dependent on debt with no way to pay it back. We're on borrowed time, and this ultimate bubble is going to pop one way or another.

This is why Bitcoin was created in the first place. The Blockchain is a safety net for when the economy inevitably crashes. The elite pretends like everything is fine. They pretend the economy is coming back. Well, it's not, and they know it's not. They simply want all the time they can get to suck the system dry and prepare for the end game.
Seriously though, where do you think your taxes go? We pay out the ass to a government that's supposed to take care of us, and instead they simply funnel the money back into the pockets of the rich. Privatized prisons, endless war (Big Oil), imperialism, corporate bailouts, etc, etc, etc. Every step of the way the wealthy are taking their cut and forcing you by law to support the most fucked up atrocities on the planet.
Don't you dare bellyache to me about how your "taxes pay for that". Your taxes don't pay for food stamps and welfare. Your taxes don't pay for roads and infrastructure. They pay for death, despair, and dominance. Oh sure, the three D's. Think about that the next time the military spends $20,000 on a toilet seat. The Middle East thinks we are literally the devil's minions, and they aren't wrong. Americans worship greed and delude themselves into thinking they are the righteous. The love of money is the root of all evil.
So what if everyone stopped paying their taxes? It's a statistical impossibility, but even then the entire system would simply collapse faster. This problem cannot be fixed from the inside or from the outside. It is corrupt to the core.

Honestly, we should be thanking our lucky stars every time the price of crypto dips lower and lower. It's not too late, we can still get in cheap and make real change for a better tomorrow. Cheap crypto means that big money players are staying out of the game. It means most money is controlled by dinosaurs who care little about what's happening because they've had it so good for so long. Well, let me tell you, these dinosaurs are going extinct. While they wonder, "Why can't things just stay the same," the world as they know it will be crashing around them.
It's disturbing to come to the revelation that these collectively parasitic individuals have no idea what they've shaped the world into. Their perspective is small. They acquired that money from working hard and being smart. Oh, the American Dream: The ultimate pyramid scheme.
The economies of other countries are already buckling under the pressure. Venezuela and Iran are already death-spiraling. How did this happen? We happened. America is engaging in economic warfare to delay it's own economy from going under, at the cost of anyone weak enough that has something we want. Again, this is only a temporary measure, we are the Titanic, and there aren't enough lifeboats. Claim yours while the getting is good.
In a few years we'll all talk about that time when Steem crashed from $8 to $0.50 and laugh because Steem is priced at $100. It's already happened multiple times with Bitcoin.