EDS miners are now on sale


What are EDMS tokens?

EDMS tokens mine EDS tokens

What are EDS tokens?

EDS tokens are HIVE income tokens that are pegged to 1 HIVEp. All earnings produced by EDS is HIVE POWER based with all EDS token holders receiving a weekly HIVE income payment based on 12% of the total @eddie-earner HIVE POWER balance every Monday at 8 pm UTC (no staking required). Until now the EDS token has been soft capped to a circulating supply of 20,000 and produce's an APY of around 13%. This percentage will increase as miners are sold and earnings increase through HIVE POWER growth based on my projected earnings below.

There are 480,000 EDS waiting to be minted. Get your hard hat on and grab a shovel.


Why make an EDS miner?

The short answer in 2 parts is 1/ EDS is perfectly set up to accommodate and use a mining token as a way to introduce new EDS tokens into circulation. Based on issuing 2500 EDS miners, there will be 5000 new EDS minted each year into circulation. 2/ All HIVE collected from issuing miners will be powered up and put to work to increase the EDS token ARY

Some details about EDSM tokens

  • There will only ever be 2500 EDS miners (EDSM) issued
  • Each EDS miner (EDSM) will cost 10 HIVE each
  • Each EDS miner (EDSM) will provide an average of 2 EDS tokens per year
  • This will not change and provide a 20% return on investment for as long as you have EDS miners staked
  • Mining rewards issuing account is @eds-holdings

Mining Rewards

  • 3 Pools per day, one draw every 8 hours
  • 20 mining rewards per draw
  • Each mining reward = 0.228 EDS token


  • 1 week unstaking in 1 transaction


Projected EDS Returns

Below is a projection of the HIVE income EDS tokens will provide to those that mine them. The figures below are based on HIVE POWER only, they do not account for content, curation are tribe token earnings nor do they account for any coming airdrops (if any) to HIVE POWER stakers. The projections below are based on the bare minimum HIVE POWER income of 19%.

I dont think we will start week one at 28% but if all miners were to sell out, we would. You will notice as the year progresses the APY decreases. This is due to new EDS tokens being minted but the decay is very slow and it actually reverses to an increasing APY after enough time has passed. This is because a set number of 5000 EDS will be minted each year and as each year passes, it has less and less effect on EDS income payments until it has no effect and the trend reverses. It's not black magic, it's the power of compounding. By earning HIVE from other sources such as content, curation and tribe tokens, the reversing will happen faster.

If we look further out and take a view into years. We are here for the long term i think, most of us.


As you can see the decay is slow over 10 years from 28% down to 16% before it reverses and starts to increase. 16% is not to bad if HIVE is $10 in 10 years. Of course, the plan is to have this reversal take place long before 10 years.

I hope this gives you a better idea of what you can expect to earn by holding EDS tokens based on issuing all 2500 EDS miners. Again, these are bare minimum projections.


How to mine EDS start to finish


  • Limited liquidity will be provided daily to the exchange to the value of mining rewards for that day
  • EDS tokens will be bought back for 1 HIVEp each
  • Bought back tokens are burned

But you will want to hold them, grow your EDS stash build a growing HIVE income that will pay out for years


Questions are welcomed

The project is being run by @silverstackeruk for @spinvest. You can reach me in many ways, the comments below, SPI & LBI posts and discord.

Ps, whoever put in the pre-buy order got some cheap EDS miners. Thanks for showing the support. I've filled your orders. The other 2498.6 EMSM will cost 10 HIVE :)




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