Direct from the desk of Dane Williams.
An introduction to LeoThreads and my entry to the fiercely contested LeoThreads launch contest.
In case you missed it, Microblogging has come to Hive!
Simply click the ‘Threads’ tab at the top of the LeoFinance Hive front-end and check out our Web3 network’s first Twitter clone that takes advantage of comments instead of top-level posts.
Yes, the platform has a long way to go before it can compete with the Web2 microblogging heavyweights.
But it’s a huge step in the right direction and I’m as keen as everyone else to dip my toes into the water and start threading the mishmash of noise that runs through my mind on a daily basis.
It’s all valuable stuff… I promise!
LeoThreads launch contest
As part of the LeoThreads launch, the leogrowth team is hosting a threading contest.

The rules of the contest are simple.
All we need to do is compose a thread with 19 follow-up comments that is otherwise simply known as a #threadStorm!
Challenge accepted!
My entry to the contest introduces the LeoFinance community to an alternative Hive-Engine front-end that displays usernames beside orders:

It’s perfect for those of us in the community who are always scooping LEO up off the market.
By putting our social skills (umm shit, I forgot this was crypto for a second… just do your best) to use, we can use this information to build our stack on the cheap.
If you find my LeoThread useful then go and interact with it and let me know!
Leave an upvote, comment, share it with your network.
Let’s get this thing out there!
Most of all, I’m just looking forward to reading some stories of those of you who set up some OTC deals that benefit both the LEO buyer and seller.
Final thoughts on the LeoThreads launch
LeoThreads is laying the coding groundwork for what will ultimately turn into the anticipated standalone microblogging app still codenamed Project Blank.
Right now it's our responsibility as members of the LeoFinance community to use them, share them, break them and figure out what they need to look like in order to make Project Blank a success.
My first impression is that functionality to push your LeoThread to Twitter itself, isn’t seamless.
The end goal for Project Blank should be that we show the full power of a Web3 Hive account by essentially turning Twitter into nothing more than a Hive front-end.
They ban you?
So what.
All your data and Tweets themselves is still there because you’ve taken full advantage of the immutable Hive blockchain’s capabilities.
The marketing power that could come from that alone is priceless.
LeoThreads is just the beginning!
Best of probabilities to you.