This blog contains an overview of the blogs and users that received the most votes and comments yesterday.
I've also included the total amount of blogs, comments and votes and the top 10 authors with the most comments. This way you can see what authors and blogs generated the most activity.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know.

Totals June 5, 2021
Total number of blogs created: 186
Total number of comments: 1328
Total number of votes on blogs: 15453
Total number of votes on comments: 542
Blogs with the most votes
# | Blog | Votes | Author | URL |
1 | The Future Of Everything: Communities | 793 | taskmaster4450 | @taskmaster4450/the-future-of-everything-communities |
2 | LeoFinance Engagement 🦁 | 503 | abh12345 | @abh12345/leofinance-engagement-3t1wis |
3 | 10 trillion is the low end of the chain | 375 | tarazkp | @tarazkp/10-trillion-is-the-low-end-of-the-chain |
4 | Another Arbi opportunity found ! How i did it for a quick pr | 361 | bitrocker2020 | @bitrocker2020/another-arbi-opportunity-found-how-i-did-it-for-a-quick-profit |
5 | LEO Bridge Usage statistics | 347 | notak | @notak/leo-bridge-usage-statistics |
6 | Cruel Mistress! | 331 | edicted | @edicted/cruel-mistress |
7 | Pancakehunny, Another BSC Platform Suffers Exploitation | 330 | xabi | @xabi/pancakehunny-another-bsc-platform-suffer-exploitation |
8 | My Thoughts on PolyGold | 311 | nealmcspadden | @nealmcspadden/my-thoughts-on-polygold |
9 | Passive Income generation with Crypto | 303 | reeta0119 | @reeta0119/passive-income-generation-with-crypto |
10 | India Reinstating Bans on Cryptocurrencies? | 296 | mawit07 | @mawit07/india-reinstating-bans-on-cryptocurrencies |
Blogs with the most comments
Accounts that received the most votes on their blogs
# | Account | Votes |
1 | taskmaster4450 | 793 |
2 | abh12345 | 503 |
3 | acesontop | 394 |
4 | tarazkp | 375 |
5 | bitcoinflood | 374 |
6 | bitrocker2020 | 361 |
7 | notak | 347 |
8 | edicted | 331 |
9 | xabi | 330 |
10 | nealmcspadden | 311 |
Accounts that received the most comments on their blogs
# | Account | Comments |
1 | leomarkettalk | 240 |
2 | eddie-earner | 45 |
3 | tgd-links | 43 |
4 | hiro-hive | 37 |
5 | chekohler | 33 |
6 | traciyork | 32 |
7 | maarnio | 29 |
8 | taskmaster4450 | 29 |
9 | klye | 28 |
10 | silversaver888 | 26 |
Accounts that created the most comments
# | Account | Comments |
1 | jfang003 | 83 |
2 | taskmaster4450le | 66 |
3 | tfranzini | 44 |
4 | sgt-dan | 37 |
5 | chekohler | 23 |
6 | maarnio | 21 |
7 | josediccus | 19 |
8 | shortsegments | 19 |
9 | tgd-links | 19 |
10 | hiro-hive | 17 |
I'm crypto and security enthousiast with a passion for photography that likes to play games.
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