Week 10 Pay It Forward - Great People and Bonus Feature

By @thedarkhorse

I was tagged by @buckaroo from the week 9 pay it forward curation contest. The best thing about that is now we know there are more incredible people in Steemit!

I was in the 7-day gratitude challenge when my mom and I were mentioned. Now we have to find 2 bloggers who are posting Quality Original Content


@preppervetuk rep 43

My mom and I just found him today. And also found his YT channel. Some of his videos are in Dtube too.

He is teaching us how to prepare for bad situations. I think his latest post about bugging out is awesome. Yesterday we watched videos from the Guatemala volcano erupting. If people are always prepared, there might not be a lot of people that were killed.

His latest post: @preppervetuk/bugging-out-why-bother-part-1

Why would I ever bug out? That's just for cooky preppers right? Wrong! Whatever term you use, at the end of the day it's evacuation and relocation! Prepper or not, your survival may depend on it.

Our family is homesteading and we can learn so much from him. It's always good to be prepared. For us, we need to be quick to go for safety when a tornado comes.


@laurentiu.negrea rep 49

My mom and I found him from this post where he shows everyone a great tool to make art letters for your post without having Adobe Photoshop. It's pretty cool. My mom uses it and you might find it helpful.

He is also a homesteader and has chickens. On his latest post, he shows us his compost pile. He also shows his tools and some great Discord channels you can join if you are into homesteading. His video is in Dlive. It played pretty good so mom might start using Dlive instead of Dtube.


I used tree branches to keep the platform aerated, as you can see in the video. And I layered the manure on the top, in this way, whenever I water the platform, all the juice goes through everything else is in there. The manure contains a lot of the needed bacterias.

Even when he is thinking to quit and working again he still teaches a lot of things in his post. I know how it feels when no one reads my posts. There were many days my mom and I didn't write posts and only read and comment. We just want everyone to read and comment and share. Upvotes are great too and so are thoughtful comments. It's like someone writing me a birthday card :)

Bonus Feature

An app, discord room, program, or group that has helped you with your Steemit journey

I am not in Discord until I can spell and write really well so I'm sharing what my mom and I use for our posts.

  1. https://glowtxt.com/ - For making art letters recommended by @laurentiu.negrea

  2. Steem-Plus extension - This link is the Google Chrome extension and if you're using FireFox or Opera, you can visit @steem-plus. This extension is very cool and made by @stoodkev. My mom uses it a lot and it helped us with a lot of features.

  3. https://steemlookup.com/ - This one my mom used to find posts from certain reputation authors and certain tags and minimum number of words. I think it works the best for the Pay It Forward contest don't you think @thedarkhorse?

By @thedarkhorse

Click on the Pay It Forward picture above to go the the week 10 post and also to find other authors nominated for this week.

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