When I was younger, we had this thing called "leksikon" in school. Every kid had one. It was a small notebook with a question on top of each page. The point was to have your friends answer those questions so your leksikon went from hand to hand until it was filled. There were all sorts of questions in there, from "What is your name?", "What is your favorite color?" to "What kind of music do you listen to?" and "Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?". Some steemit challenges remind me of leksikon. There are many challenges on steemit, and in the last couple of weeks I have been nominated to take part in about 7 to 10 of them and ignored it badly 😁

Twelvequestions challenge was first started by @hobotang and I got the nomination from @bigtom13, @saffisara and some other people who I, unfortunately, do not remember. Please forgive me, I have to keep a better watch over my nominations for this and that in the future. I know @big.mama, @gingergeorge and @katrina-ariel nominated me for something and are still waiting for my response, just like many others. Sorry guys, one day I will do it 😉 As for the twelvequestions challenge...
1) What meals would you have before heading to the international space station?
Seefood, seafood and then some more seafood. I have always loved eating everything that comes from the sea, not only fishes but also octopus, calamari, shrimps, mussels... Awwww, the mussels. With food, I would drink top quality red Istrian wine and for dessert have a chocolate cake with chocolate on chocolate filled with chocolate and sprinkled with chocolate. So, chocolate in many forms basically.

2) What section of the newspaper would you be?
I would probably be a Sudoku puzzle if I have to be precise but the puzzle section with crosswords if I have to be more general.
3) If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?
I think I am too young to answer this question LOL. I am 33 now and have been asked this question a lot of times throughout my life. Whenever I was asked, I responded with the age number I was at the moment. When I was 19, I said I would stop there, when I was 25, I said that was the best time to stop. Now I am 33 and think that this would be the best time. Who knows, if I continue this way, when I am 50, maybe I will think that that was the best time.
4) What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?
Karate probably. My father has been a karate trainer his whole adult life so it naturally had a great impact on me and my brothers. Since karate will be a part of the Olympics for the first time soon, my family is really excited about it, and we are all going to watch it.

5) If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?
Can I choose the future instead? Mankind has been evolving and going to past has no sense to me. Now is the best time to be alive! Why would I want to go back to times where I could die if I had a common cold because there were no medications? Why would I want to go live in times when women had no rights? When racism was a normal thing? When I had to travel 15 years on foot to get from one place to another? Why would I want to live in times when I would die in my twenties or in childbirth or by attackers on my village or by being burned alive at the stake for not agreeing with the Church? Nope, no thank you. This time works just fine for me.
6) If time and money were no barrier what would you create?
Replicators. For those of you who never watched Star Trek (I hope you are ashamed of yourself lol) here is some info. Replicators are machines that rearrange subatomic particles. We are all made of same things, electrons. You, me, your pet, computer, food, the Universe, everything. A replicator arranges molecules to form the object, any object. From food to water. It "creates" atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and arranges them into amino acids, proteins, cells until it "creates" objects. With replicators, there would be no hunger and no poverty anywhere and humankind could focus on other things. This would also have a great impact on our environment because replicators recycle and there would be no more need for killing animals and destroying nature for resources.
7) Have you ever completed anything on your bucketlist?
Yeah, sure. A lot actually. Traveled most of Europe, went skydiving, got me some tattoos and a nose piercing, wrote a book, met the love of my life, learned how to bake a cake... There is still so much stuff I want to do, and so much stuff to even think about and decide I want to do.

8) What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?
Every new scientific discovery is the most surprising one, that is how science works, it discovers new things. Each new thing is better than the last so this is a hard question. I would go with discovering what gives objects mass but then again, confirmation of the string theory would be nice and so would the manipulation of particles on a microscopic level with macroscopic tools or harnessing the electromagnetic waves our brains produce. Time will tell, possibilities are endless.
9) Are you a good witch or bad witch?
Neither. I am wicked. Playfully mischievous. 😎 But I would not call myself a witch, I am more of a happiness fairy with a wicked character.

10) If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
I would probably try and teach people all about critical thinking and how asking questions is a good thing, not a bad one. WHY, WHAT and HOW are important words we do not use as often as we should. We trust too much and have blind faith in a lot of things and people. We are turning from people to sheep too fast and only because we are too lazy to question other peoples motives. There is so much good in this world that goes unnoticed because we are focused on the negative and profit writes the rules. Fear has become a means of control and we are allowing it with our passiveness and unwillingness to ask WHY.
11) What band/artist dead or alive would play at your funeral?
12) What book or movie have you read/seen recently that you would recommend and why?
"If on a winter's night a traveler" by Italo Calvino. Anything I say about this book would be a spoiler alert so I will just say that it was one of the best books I have ever read and you really NEED to read it. When you read it, you will know that you do not speak about it with those who have not read it yet. Enjoy.
I am supposed to nominate people to participate in this challenge. I nominate every person who reads this post. So, if you are reading this, consider yourself nominated. 😛
Images used in this post are under CC0 license which means they are free for personal and commercial use. You can see who made them by following these links: 742680, RitaE, klimkin & skeeze
If you want to check out the stuff I create and order something for yourself, read all about it here: Selling my work on steemit - do you want me to make you something?. I accept steem and SBD as payment.
For my recent Philosophy of hapiness posts follow these links:
- There is nothing positive in being negative
- What is the difference between fault and responsibility?
- Are you carrying prejudices?
- Thank your parents, they did the best they could
- Where attention GOES, energy FLOWS
- How to decipher your DREAMS
- Panic attacks - a heart-attack monsters
For the "Into the quantum world..." novel that I am writing exclusively for steemit click here:
For my DIY and craft posts visit these links:
- My sewn toys - felt craft-work, which one is your favorite?
- Make yourown wooden counter! - DIY tutorial
- Make your own gnome - tutorial(ish)
