promoting steemit should be everyone's lifestyle since most of us have been transformed by this platform. #promo-Uganda has had a series of promotions from universities, colleges, streets, door to door village promotions and conferences and we have been successful am calling it a success because we are able to register a number of people each day and every day we receive new members in our steemit whats app group but we are not yet there yet though we shall be there am sure , our main goal is to have every who can read and write in our country on this amazing platform . Am so sure members from other countries and also the newbies want tips on how they can do a steem promotion but no worries today am here to share them with you so you can achieve a successful promotion

The different promotional methods

  • Using flyers are a good way to promote steemit.
    Ever since we started promoting we have so far issued over 500plus flyers to the people. we distribute them to the people on streets, shops, market vendors, university students and also homes when someone gets a flyer even before you explain to the person what steemit is they are already curious to know which makes the work easier for us as a team. The flyer explains a little bit of what steemit is and it can also have contact details some times we include of a facebook page or our steemit email address or you can either go ahead to include your phone number just in case the person has questions.

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#promo-Uganda posing with the steemit flyers

  • Designing a personal T-shirt.
    When we move as a team wearing our T-shirts it arouses curiosity among the community, it brings togetherness amongst us we definitely look organised and also for smartness you know the way you are dressed sometimes can create attention and also it is easier for someone to give you their ears. A steemit designed T-shirt will be a good way for you to do your promotions even with pics it is easier to recognise your work

    @ireneblessing in her t-shirt

  • Free T-shirt give away
    Many children on the streets don't have to what to wear especially the street children yet they move about 2km a day meandering around town so how about you give them a steemit t-shirt and they spread the news. The university students are also the best people to gift the shirts as an incentive after they have opened up an account remember bringing a smile on some one's face can change their world and they can never forget what you did for them actually they spread the news further to more people

    #promo-Uganda issuing free t-shirts, toilet rolls, brooms to the children

  • Visiting the universities.
    The university students are more receptive to the new technologies and they easily pick up with the trends besides they have very good content to share. Most university students fear to be unemployed after school so bringing steemit closer is a good deal for them by the way most people in the steem community uganda are university students.

@ireneblessing at one of the universities in Uganda

  • organising community contests
    community contests are very good for the youth and they attract a lot of people to participate so they can win a very juice reward though it is better to put terms for example before one joins they must sign up an account with steemit. This is an effective way to get the youth on this platform. The #promo -Uganda has ever organised a chess contest where the winner walked away with some good money
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  • Giving back to the community.
    If you have something it is better to give to those who do not have. But one crucial thing with charity it brings a lot of attention, for example, the paparazzi are always on the move to know where the money for charity comes from and I think from the curiosity a steem promotion is done through answering the different questions on air.
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  • Using Social media platforms
    we have so many social media platforms running, for example, Whats app, facebook, twitter and many more so you can use your WhatsApp like you can create a status then post so it will attract people to your inbox asking what steemit is and this will open up doors for more users on steemit sometimes you can go ahead and meet up with your WhatsApp buddies for mentoring . Currently, we have a facebook page running where we are able to invite all our friends on facebook we have not yet reached a big number of people on facebook but we are planning to pay for Facebook Ads to spread the news faster.

As for now you can use those tools but as time goes on we shall be able to create more new tactics.

Thanks, a lot @steem-ambassador(s), #promo-steem, @starkerz, @stephenkendal, @demotruk for your support it is because of you guys we are able to do the steem - promotions successfully.

comments are highly appreciated on how to promote our platform in a better way

stay blessed and lots of love

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