My Life's Journey - A message to the developer of Dtube @heimindanger. And his curators - STEEMIT SHOULD NEVER STAND FOR AND REPRESENT THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR. Sometimes people just don't realize the POWER of their words.


Now I am not usually a guy who writes anything negative and I always try to see positive in everything. And, anybody who knows me little more closes and follows my post know I am all about spreading the positive energy and motivating people to conquer their fear and accomplish their everyday challenges. But, today I will share with you a story which is sad to read about and I can't believe people can be so ignorant of others peoples feelings and how much what you say can hurt a person. This kind of discrimination is something I will never stand for and if I can do something to change it I will. This is why I am writing this post. I sometimes wonder what goes through these peoples heads while saying unprovoked hurtful words like you are going to read about in this post? I just don't get it... I don't...

The link to the original post you can find here

"I always say if you are going to use your words, use it to bring people up, and not bring them down."

Story Behind It all

I am one of the moderators on Steam Engine group and today we were chatting in our channel for moderators and creators. We were discussing the usual on how to improve our group and help our members progress better on Steemit. But we were all"distracted" by the message from one of our members to come and read @crazybgadventure Vlog because our member felt we should all check it out. So we did. And, honestly, this is where I experienced and read about everything that is wrong with the world today.

@crazybgadventure is one the nicest users I have met on Steemit and I actually enjoy listening to his Vlog when I have the time because they are HONEST. And, you can feel it in his posts. He is just like any other Steemian out there. Trying to improve as a Steemian and grow on this great platform. So in order to try and improve he asked Hemidanger for help on what do his curators look for in videos so he can improve and maybe grab their attention in the future. Basically, he was looking for advice to IMPROVE. So Hemindanger asked his anonymous curators for their opinion.


This is how I felt after listening and reading these comments...

Now the response he got back from some of the "curators" are simply repulsive and uncalled for and I truly can't believe people are so ignorant about others peoples feelings. Do these people know there is the person behind the screen when they are talking like this? But, some people think they can say anything and get away just because they are behind the keyboard. Anyways, guys, you be the judge as I will post them under here. Remember he did not ask to be insulted, he asked for help, and this is what he got for answers?

  • "Gayest thing he ever saw"

Now, as my friend is truly gay and he evens say's in the video this is something I find very disturbing. Even if he was not gay? What does it matter? If you can't say something constructive why do you resort to saying something hurtful? This is discouraging for me because I believe in a world where people will not be judged just because they are "different". This is a prime example of ignorance and disregard for other's people's feelings. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  • "You try to act young when you look old."

What to say really about this one? He is probably an 18-year-old kid given "power of being a curator" and immunity of being anonymous so he thinks he can say whatever he wants and get away with. Again, there is a person behind this screen reading what you are saying? But, there is the time for you.You are still young and maybe you will pick up some manners along the way. I truly hope so, for your sake.

  • "I want worms to use him as a host."

And this is the worst one for me. Basically what he said with this one is that he wants this amazing good hearted guy to die so the worms can use him as host. I don't know who are you because you hide behind your anonymous discord account. But your disregard for other's people feelings is borderline explaining everything that is wrong with this world. What is wrong with you? Take a good hard look at yourself my friend and evaluate your life after saying this. Because this is no way, shape, or form acceptable to say. I truly hope you do, for your soul sake.

-"How big of an upvote he wants, to stop freezing? He mentions in every video."

Now here is an idea for you? Maybe he mentions freezing in every one his videos because you need to IMPROVE your platform so you know maybe it would be more user-friendly? So instead of being impolite, you should maybe start working on the problem of freezing videos instead of trying to insult him? He did not ask for your insults, he asked for your help and if you don't have something nice to say, keep your negative attitude for yourself.

My Message To These Curators


I don't know who these individuals are, but I will tell you one thing to all of you. Turn the mirror on yourself and evaluate yourself and who you are as a person because if these kinds of comments made you all POWERFULL and FEELING HAPPY than you are not a good person. Maybe someday when you need help, and you will get answers like this, and you will realize how powerful and hurtful your words were to my friend. I never wish bad on anyone, but I believe the only thing which will change you is to experience these hurtful words with you being on the receiving side. I encourage you to CHANGE and be careful with your words. Because we are all human beings, with feelings, and your cyberbullying is not in any way shape or form acceptable. I truly hope you take this message and IMPROVE on yourself as a human being.

My Message To The Hemindagner


I don't know you, my friend. But @crazybgadventure told me you are a nice guy and you took your time to actually answer his messages. You have probably worked hard and long on creating Dtube platform. And, I don't know how it all works over there as I have not used it yet. But this is my message to you. Think long and hard about the people who represent your platform? Do you really want these people sending messages like this in the world representing your hard earned platform? Do you really want your platform to stand for discrimination of somebody just because he is different? Think long and hard about the people you are surrounding yourself with because they represent YOU and YOUR Dtube platform. Is this what your platform stand for? These are some serious questions you need to answer YOURSELF? I truly hope it is not, my friend because if it is it will not get very far. These kinds of people will destroy your hard earned platform. You may think you lost only one user today, but trust you lost much more.


Is this the direction your platform is taking? Because I am pretty sure it is not the right way...

I might be a small user on Steemit, and my words maybe don't have a far reach, and I might even get flagged by some of these curators you have working for you. Heck, maybe even you. But, I hope you see these message as encouragement to improve your platform and think long and hard about what you want your platform to represent? If you agree with these curators and their insults you will do nothing. But, if don't agree with them, you will "rattle some cages", and change things for the better because these are not the people you want creating reputations like this about your platform. They represent YOU.That is just my little advice for you and I truly hope you will take some lessons from it.

If you are a nice guy like my friend said you are? You will apologize to my friend because these curators, in the end, represent you and YOUR platform. I truly hope you don't stand for these kinds of stuff. The sooner you realize the better it will be for you and the Dtube. But, that will be your CHOICE in the end.

My Final Words

As many of you know me by now and from what you can see from my writing I was very disturbed when I read this post. Because I hate seeing stuff like this happen to people. Especially, good people, who did nothing to provoke it. He just asked for help, and the only thing he got in return was insults. Not ACCEPTABLE by any means. We have a long way to go as a human race. And, this is not what I want to see Steemit become.


This is an amazing platform, and it has great potential. Potential to change people's lives, and it already is changing peoples lives. But, it should never support behavior like this. Because this is never going to be acceptable for me, and it should not be acceptable for anyone. We should be here helping and encouraging each other. Making a world a better place. God knows we need to make it a better place. And, it can all start with a couple of sentences...

Our words can motivate and inspire and motivate people to do amazing things. To reach for their dreams, and when we speak or write we should be careful because it can be a difference between people reaching their dreams, or falling short. Yes, words are that powerful. I encourage you all to use your words to bring people up, instead of bringing them down. Let's raise awareness about this because any of us can be at the end of these kinds of words next time.

@crazybgadventure the whole Steem Engine group is behind you and I am sure majority of Steemit community. We are glad you have not resorted to their level and did not insult any of these guys back. Even though they deserved it. Instead, you choose to take this to make you stronger and work harder than ever before. We are glad to have you first as a friend and second as our member. Keep vlogging and keep being YOU. I wish you all the best in the future, and I am looking forward to more of your posts. Have the best day ever. :)

Thank you all for reading, have an amazing day all, let's encourage each other, much love,



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