Term "Reward Pool Rape": Offensive Exaggeration; #blockchaingame


The term reward pool rape refers to the unfair distribution of Steemit blockchain resources Steem Based Dollar (SBD) and Steem Power (SP) via upvotes. Generally, when whales constantly upvote poor content, for whatever reason, this is considered rewards pool rape. Whales can have so much swing that even giving too much reward to a decent post could be considered pool rape. Whales that agree to band together and only like each other's posts are raping the pool. The same is true for bot exploits. There are tons of posts on this topic. This is the most important topic on Steemit, because decentralization of wealth and power is the only way to keep a blockchain alive.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's safe to say that whoever coined this term is a white male, possibly an online gamer. It sounds like totally misogynist #gamergate shit. I'm here to say that calling it this is going to automatically turn people off to the most important blockchain issue of all time. Equating the exploitation of proof-of-brain rewards with brutal sexual assault seems like it might be a bit counter productive.


I took a timeout to research the origins of this term to satisfy my curiosity. This post claims that Fyrstikken coined the term. Here is a video of him singing "He lives in you" from The Lion King! LOL, curiosity sated. Prediction assumed 100% correct. Sorry Fyrstikken, I mean no disrespect. I don't know you, and I'm also a white male gamer. High five!

Personally, I just call it gaming the blockchain #blockchaingame. People are always going to try to get more money. You just have to have the proper rules in place to stop it. My favorite idea is adding trials by jury to Steemit. In addition to curation upvote rewards, there would also be flagging downvote rewards confirmed by a Steemit jury of peers. This would stop all the flagging wars in it's tracks. Users would no longer be able to flag every post of a user they hate, because false flagging is also punishable.

Gaming the blockchain is a serious offence. Everyday I think of Steemit more and more as a micro-government. Playing the #blockchaingame is synonymous with light treason.

light treason.png

#blockchaingame might not be the best term, because it could be confused with video games that are connected to the blockchain. Maybe #gamingblockchain is more appropriate. I like #blockchaingame because it almost rhymes and it sounds like "chain gang" which implies criminality, so I'm gonna try to make it stick. #blockchaingang? I'm overthinking this. Honestly, anything is more appropriate than "rewards pool rape."

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