Big whales continue to sell quickly, I will continue to buy steem at 0.0020 / 今天STEEMIT新低了, 大鲸鱼们快点卖

Yes, I hope big whales continue to sell quickly, Preferably 0.0020 or less, or even 0.0015, Today Steem prices hit a new low, Almost close to the 0.002
是的我会继续购买,我希望大鲸鱼们快点卖, 价格到0.0020 或者更低,最好在0.0015, 今天Steem的价格创了一个月来的新低, 已经快接近0.002了

Why continue to decline, In the week before I know steem It will fall near 0.002, This is because Steemit too transparent, you can to see all,
Who in power down,How much they are ready to sell,You can see a large number of whales steem send to Exchange poloniex / bittrex For sale,
So we want to know who to sell, they have no confidence in steemit?
为什么会出现连续下跌的情况, 我在一周前是怎样发现的,并且知道它的价格还会继续下跌, 这是因为Steemit太透明了, 你可以通过 和跟综工具 你可以看到哪些大鲸鱼转出多少Steem 去交易所 poloniex / bittrex出售, 那么我们都想知道是谁在卖,他们是对steemit没有信心吗?

Steemit is an innovative web site that can attract my friends and I came here, and many of my friends have purchased a lot, the price is higher than me,I have confidence in Steemit,
But what reason is down?
Steemit是一个有创意的网站,能够吸引我和朋友们来到这里,并且我许多朋友已经购买了很多,价格都比我高, 我对Steemit很有信心, 下跌原因是什么?

The answer is: Article quality and Big whales robot.

A small fish come here to use steemit ,Helearned to buy SP, it takes about 2 weeks,Need big whales encouragement, But for the benefit of all large whales, Low-quality content will get upvote
Ironically, when an author writes a titled "Test, Please do not upvote" article, Also received more than $ 200 in revenue,If you go on like this, Steam will continue to fall until the price to zero, it is not impossible
一条小鱼来到这里从使用到购买需要2周时间,在这段时间他们除了学习,更多的是需要大鲸鱼们的鼓历, 但目前大鲸鱼们都为了利益,不停的制造大鲸鱼,大鲸鱼爱大鲸鱼, 小鱼们没有得到关爱.
使用了半个月,我们发现很多问题,这里有许多机器人,可笑的是,当一个作者写个标题为“Test"的文章, 竟然有超过$200美元的收入,如果再这样下去, Steem 还会继续下跌,直到价格到0,也不是没有可能

But I believe founder @dan and @ned , With your high IQ, these issues will see and resolved,Steemit developed rapidly, if they find a problem solved in time, I believe that one day,
We will get the harvest,I, as one #CN user,I will work together with all Chinese friends, so that more Chinese people use Steemit,Chinese quality articles need you to support,
Every day ,Do not see in the home are the same steemers (VIP big whales's articels)

但是我相信dan and ned以及你们创始人,以你们高智商,这些问题都会看到, Steemit出来几个月,就有这么多用户, 只要发现了问题,及时解决, 相信有一天,我们的坚持会得到很好的回报,我作为CN区的种子用户之一,我会和所有中国朋友一起努力,让更多的中国人使用Steemit, 中文区的高质量文章需要你们大鲸鱼的支持,而不是每天制造VIP 上首页, 看到的都是相同的人

I will continue to buy if the price to 0.0020-0.0015, we will be shot, small whales grow up, you will fall in love with small whales
我会继续购,如果价格到0.0020-0.0015, 我们都会出手, 小鲸鱼会长大,你们会爱上所有CN区的小鲸鱼们


Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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