This week on Steemit Talk Podcast, we discuss changes that have happened to Steemit this past week, as well as an interesting coincidence that we noticed with the Curiosity Mars Rover landing in 2012. We also touch on several other topics, including (but not limited to) the Secret Writer series by @stellabelle, and of course.... Meat Tornado.
We want more than just your upvote. We want conversation!

If you'd rather download to listen offline, visit our Soundcloud link HERE:
Your hosts:
@sykochica (w/chime drum for intro & outro)

and featuring our friend & guest, "OutsiderGAT", who is approaching Steemit as one who has never created an account for any social network outside of using Youtube. We'll talk with him a little to get a fresh perspective from his point of view.
Discussed Steemit Members:
Discussed Topics & Posts
- http://steemit.chat
- secret-writer
- steemianfoodnetwork
- nobodysperfect
- craigrant
- My journey as an aspiring Youtube Pianist
- Lessons learned from the classroom -- No one EVER wins in an argument. Why? You are being too limbic!
- From the sun to the moon, energy creates earth experience, right now I live in BLISS
- THE ROBOTS FROM STEEMD.COM - PART II - wood burning( photos+video)
- Did we just discover a Type II Alien Civilization? (not popsci or science fiction)
- Who are YOU in Steemit Society? — Steemit
- Giving Away 1 Steam Dollar To Best Explanation of What SteemIt is
Submission Deadline is Friday 8/12 by 10PM CST.
We're making a Steemit music video and paying everyone to be in it.
Previous Episodes:
- STEEMIT TALK Podcast 001 - 7/30/2016 - @winstonwolfe & @sykochica
- STEEMIT TALK Podcast 002 - 7/31/2016 - Steemit New User Thoughts, Utopia, Free Will, and Bacon