Announcing the Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge 10 - Anglo - Sino Chicken Dish and New Theme Announcement

For our 10th Steemit Culinary Challenge our guest judge was Ms Delicious, @sweetsssj and she chose an out of the box theme. If you have been following me for a while then you probably know - I love out of the box stuff.

In relation to that, I'd like to clarify something about the Steemit Culinary Challenge. This is not to be treated as a regular food posting since there is a prize involved aside from the possibility of your post to gather upvotes. In relation to that we're giving two participants a special award for getting the true meaning of the word challenge and putting it out on all of their entries. Who are they ? Scroll down to know :)

A THANK YOU shout out for the Steemit Culinary Challenge Logo to @oaldamster!

First, let's have the winners of the Steemit Culinary Challenge #10 - Anglo-Sino. As there are only two that made it to the deadline of submission - that made them both a placer. We'd like to say thank you to @rebeccaryan and @pickoum - for getting out of their comfort zones and kicking asses in putting out entries for this challenge. Did you find the last theme very hard? I only experienced it doable. If you think something is hard - you are right. If you think something is doable - you are also right. So my guess is @rebeccaryan and @pickoum - thought - "I can do it!" And boy ~~ those two are freaking right! They may not be the only one who did think this the others must be just vegans so they didn't send any. Even though something seem hard always think - it's doable and try before you even quit. Enough talk who won already?

Special thanks to @vegascomic for the trophy design.

Here's Ms. Delicious, @sweetsssj's personal comments to both winners.

2nd prize : 15SBD sponsored by @smooth

Chicken Carrots Honey and Cashew Nuts by @pickoum

1st prize : 25SBD sponsored by@smooth

The Cocky Royal Mandarin by @rebeccaryan

Your prizes are going to be wired directly to your wallet by the respective sponsors. Thank you very much.

To all the sponsors, Steemians who submitted their entries , everyone who upvoted the other entries this week - THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!.

Since we're on our 11th it's time to level up! So we're giving these two people a special award for always putting out entries that fits a challenge. It doesn't mean they're our favorites - there are also others who came in close to getting the same award. We all know that all of you are exerting great efforts - yes ALL OF YOU. However, I've decided to give them this special award + 5SBD rewards because all of their entries show they understand what this challenge mean. All of their entries - yes all.

This challenge was put out to make it possible for newbies to be discovered. To make it possible to find gems - who can cook like they kick asses but may not make the trending just because they aren't being noticed. It's purposed to discover variations of dishes which could lead us to finding recipes that have not been published anywhere yet. Though everyone is welcome to join please bear in mind it is not purposed to just milk our sponsors or promote mediocrity in posting. Therefore, we encourage everyone to do your best and be original.

This week's guest judge is a man with a huge heart @felixxx. How come - a huge heart - perhaps Loki could tell you why. So what did he choose for this week's theme? Something doable, too.

Here are a few ideas to help you make your Cheeseless Burger - just think cheeseless though. Click on the blued words. .

  • Title your entry this way : "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #11 : Title of your Dish" .


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