Bonus Prizes : worth 3SBD each @ats-david
5th prize : 5SBD worth of steem @knozaki2015
Cod 'à lagareiro'by @liliana.duarte

4th prize : 7SBD @sirwinchester
Grilled fish by @yetaras

3rd prize : 10SBD sponsored by @smooth
"Black Venus Trout Pasty" by @woman-onthe-wing

2nd prize : 15SBD sponsored by @smooth
Homemade Smoked Codfish Volcano on Beluga Volcanite & Sambal Olek Lava by @steved

1st prize : 25SBD sponsored by@smooth
Prosciutto-Wrapped Parsley Pesto Fish with Zucchini Noodles and Cherry tomatoes by @amy-goodrich

Your prizes are going to be wired directly to your wallet by the respective sponsors.
To all the sponsors, Steemians who submitted their entries , everyone who upvoted the other entries this week - THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!.
This week's guest judge for the Steemit Culinary Challenge #14 : Divine Lemoned Dessert is one of those SBD Santas who has been throwing SBDs like his brother - The Old Dog to help encourage authors to go on.. by rewarding them when they've guessed where he is on his posts. That did not only take care of views but of interactions and laughs among Steemians as well. He is no other than - the dashing debonair, one of the funniest authors and commentors in Steemit Land - @onceuponatime who - like our last guest judge, also gave in to my last minute request (last night) for him to be guest judge for this week. This is what he chose to be our theme for this week and thanks to @gringalicious for letting me use one of her pics since I no longer have time to prepare.

Here are a few ideas to help you make your Divine Lemoned Dessert. Click on the blued words. . PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING NEWLY PUBLISHED POSTS.
- Title your entry this way : "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #14 : Title of your Dish" .
- Tag Divine Lemoned Dessert post with: ( yes, all of them)
Make sure to use all those 4 tags
- TAKE PICTURES OF THE STEP BY STEP PROCESS YOU TOOK because unlike other recipe blog sites, in Steemit - we over deliver. Here's a post to guide you in uploading pictures for your posts.
- TWO ENTRIES per participant would be counted so submit your very best!
Are you joining as a couple? That's allowed. However, in order to make sure we are going to be fair and just to the other participants, who are participating as an individual, we ask that to qualify your 2 entries as a couple post a video of you (a video each - man and wife) cooking. Utube accepts longer videos. No video only qualifies you for 1 entry each. One entry for the husband and one entry for the wife. Give us the courtesy of declaring yourselves as a couple.
EDIT : The couples' video should be from the start of cooking to the finish.
- Post a link of your entry in the comment thread. If you have/ are in Steemit.chat- post it on the steemitculinarychallenge channel. If you don't use Steemit chat, we suggest that you do.
Deadline of Submission is no later than TUESDAY at 12 midnight UTC +1
To make sure that your work is yours and is not plagiarized or copy pasted from the internet and to make sure that we won't be rewarding a thief DO ONE OF THESE:


The picture should be laid on top or next to your dish entry to make sure it wasn't just photoshoped. Remember, @steamcleaners and @cheetah would go after you.

WINNERS would be announced together with the next theme every Friday, UTC +1 .
Don't forget to THANK AND FOLLOW our sponsors for supporting the Steemit Culinary Challenge.

trophy design - by @vegascomic
@dresden, @juanmiguelsalas and @nelyp are willing to help translate recipes from Spanish to English. If you ask them for help, don't forget to reciprocate.
Do you have any questions or need to clarify something about this week's theme please feel free to ask away ! Here, or in the chat. I may not reply right away in the chat but I'll surely reply as soon as I see your query. I have the same chat name.
Here you can find the winners of Steemit Culinary Challenges in the previous challenges:
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #12 - Purely Paleo and New Theme Announcement
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #11 - Cheeseless Burger and New Theme Announcement
For the announcement of winners and updates about the status of this challenge.
Cod 'à lagareiro'by @liliana.duarte
4th prize : 7SBD @sirwinchester
Grilled fish by @yetaras

3rd prize : 10SBD sponsored by @smooth
"Black Venus Trout Pasty" by @woman-onthe-wing

2nd prize : 15SBD sponsored by @smooth
Homemade Smoked Codfish Volcano on Beluga Volcanite & Sambal Olek Lava by @steved

1st prize : 25SBD sponsored by@smooth
Prosciutto-Wrapped Parsley Pesto Fish with Zucchini Noodles and Cherry tomatoes by @amy-goodrich

Your prizes are going to be wired directly to your wallet by the respective sponsors.
To all the sponsors, Steemians who submitted their entries , everyone who upvoted the other entries this week - THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!.
This week's guest judge for the Steemit Culinary Challenge #14 : Divine Lemoned Dessert is one of those SBD Santas who has been throwing SBDs like his brother - The Old Dog to help encourage authors to go on.. by rewarding them when they've guessed where he is on his posts. That did not only take care of views but of interactions and laughs among Steemians as well. He is no other than - the dashing debonair, one of the funniest authors and commentors in Steemit Land - @onceuponatime who - like our last guest judge, also gave in to my last minute request (last night) for him to be guest judge for this week. This is what he chose to be our theme for this week and thanks to @gringalicious for letting me use one of her pics since I no longer have time to prepare.

Here are a few ideas to help you make your Divine Lemoned Dessert. Click on the blued words. . PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING NEWLY PUBLISHED POSTS.
- Title your entry this way : "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #14 : Title of your Dish" .
- Tag Divine Lemoned Dessert post with: ( yes, all of them)
Make sure to use all those 4 tags
- TAKE PICTURES OF THE STEP BY STEP PROCESS YOU TOOK because unlike other recipe blog sites, in Steemit - we over deliver. Here's a post to guide you in uploading pictures for your posts.
- TWO ENTRIES per participant would be counted so submit your very best!
Are you joining as a couple? That's allowed. However, in order to make sure we are going to be fair and just to the other participants, who are participating as an individual, we ask that to qualify your 2 entries as a couple post a video of you (a video each - man and wife) cooking. Utube accepts longer videos. No video only qualifies you for 1 entry each. One entry for the husband and one entry for the wife. Give us the courtesy of declaring yourselves as a couple.
EDIT : The couples' video should be from the start of cooking to the finish.
- Post a link of your entry in the comment thread. If you have/ are in Steemit.chat- post it on the steemitculinarychallenge channel. If you don't use Steemit chat, we suggest that you do.
Deadline of Submission is no later than TUESDAY at 12 midnight UTC +1
To make sure that your work is yours and is not plagiarized or copy pasted from the internet and to make sure that we won't be rewarding a thief DO ONE OF THESE:


The picture should be laid on top or next to your dish entry to make sure it wasn't just photoshoped. Remember, @steamcleaners and @cheetah would go after you.

WINNERS would be announced together with the next theme every Friday, UTC +1 .
Don't forget to THANK AND FOLLOW our sponsors for supporting the Steemit Culinary Challenge.

trophy design - by @vegascomic
@dresden, @juanmiguelsalas and @nelyp are willing to help translate recipes from Spanish to English. If you ask them for help, don't forget to reciprocate.
Do you have any questions or need to clarify something about this week's theme please feel free to ask away ! Here, or in the chat. I may not reply right away in the chat but I'll surely reply as soon as I see your query. I have the same chat name.
Here you can find the winners of Steemit Culinary Challenges in the previous challenges:
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #12 - Purely Paleo and New Theme Announcement
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #11 - Cheeseless Burger and New Theme Announcement
For the announcement of winners and updates about the status of this challenge.
Grilled fish by @yetaras

3rd prize : 10SBD sponsored by @smooth
"Black Venus Trout Pasty" by @woman-onthe-wing

2nd prize : 15SBD sponsored by @smooth
Homemade Smoked Codfish Volcano on Beluga Volcanite & Sambal Olek Lava by @steved

1st prize : 25SBD sponsored by@smooth
Prosciutto-Wrapped Parsley Pesto Fish with Zucchini Noodles and Cherry tomatoes by @amy-goodrich

Your prizes are going to be wired directly to your wallet by the respective sponsors.
To all the sponsors, Steemians who submitted their entries , everyone who upvoted the other entries this week - THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!.
This week's guest judge for the Steemit Culinary Challenge #14 : Divine Lemoned Dessert is one of those SBD Santas who has been throwing SBDs like his brother - The Old Dog to help encourage authors to go on.. by rewarding them when they've guessed where he is on his posts. That did not only take care of views but of interactions and laughs among Steemians as well. He is no other than - the dashing debonair, one of the funniest authors and commentors in Steemit Land - @onceuponatime who - like our last guest judge, also gave in to my last minute request (last night) for him to be guest judge for this week. This is what he chose to be our theme for this week and thanks to @gringalicious for letting me use one of her pics since I no longer have time to prepare.

Here are a few ideas to help you make your Divine Lemoned Dessert. Click on the blued words. . PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING NEWLY PUBLISHED POSTS.
- Title your entry this way : "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #14 : Title of your Dish" .
- Tag Divine Lemoned Dessert post with: ( yes, all of them)
Make sure to use all those 4 tags
- TAKE PICTURES OF THE STEP BY STEP PROCESS YOU TOOK because unlike other recipe blog sites, in Steemit - we over deliver. Here's a post to guide you in uploading pictures for your posts.
- TWO ENTRIES per participant would be counted so submit your very best!
Are you joining as a couple? That's allowed. However, in order to make sure we are going to be fair and just to the other participants, who are participating as an individual, we ask that to qualify your 2 entries as a couple post a video of you (a video each - man and wife) cooking. Utube accepts longer videos. No video only qualifies you for 1 entry each. One entry for the husband and one entry for the wife. Give us the courtesy of declaring yourselves as a couple.
EDIT : The couples' video should be from the start of cooking to the finish.
- Post a link of your entry in the comment thread. If you have/ are in Steemit.chat- post it on the steemitculinarychallenge channel. If you don't use Steemit chat, we suggest that you do.
Deadline of Submission is no later than TUESDAY at 12 midnight UTC +1
To make sure that your work is yours and is not plagiarized or copy pasted from the internet and to make sure that we won't be rewarding a thief DO ONE OF THESE:


The picture should be laid on top or next to your dish entry to make sure it wasn't just photoshoped. Remember, @steamcleaners and @cheetah would go after you.

WINNERS would be announced together with the next theme every Friday, UTC +1 .
Don't forget to THANK AND FOLLOW our sponsors for supporting the Steemit Culinary Challenge.

trophy design - by @vegascomic
@dresden, @juanmiguelsalas and @nelyp are willing to help translate recipes from Spanish to English. If you ask them for help, don't forget to reciprocate.
Do you have any questions or need to clarify something about this week's theme please feel free to ask away ! Here, or in the chat. I may not reply right away in the chat but I'll surely reply as soon as I see your query. I have the same chat name.
Here you can find the winners of Steemit Culinary Challenges in the previous challenges:
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #12 - Purely Paleo and New Theme Announcement
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #11 - Cheeseless Burger and New Theme Announcement
For the announcement of winners and updates about the status of this challenge.
"Black Venus Trout Pasty" by @woman-onthe-wing

2nd prize : 15SBD sponsored by @smooth
Homemade Smoked Codfish Volcano on Beluga Volcanite & Sambal Olek Lava by @steved

1st prize : 25SBD sponsored by@smooth
Prosciutto-Wrapped Parsley Pesto Fish with Zucchini Noodles and Cherry tomatoes by @amy-goodrich

Your prizes are going to be wired directly to your wallet by the respective sponsors.
To all the sponsors, Steemians who submitted their entries , everyone who upvoted the other entries this week - THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!.
This week's guest judge for the Steemit Culinary Challenge #14 : Divine Lemoned Dessert is one of those SBD Santas who has been throwing SBDs like his brother - The Old Dog to help encourage authors to go on.. by rewarding them when they've guessed where he is on his posts. That did not only take care of views but of interactions and laughs among Steemians as well. He is no other than - the dashing debonair, one of the funniest authors and commentors in Steemit Land - @onceuponatime who - like our last guest judge, also gave in to my last minute request (last night) for him to be guest judge for this week. This is what he chose to be our theme for this week and thanks to @gringalicious for letting me use one of her pics since I no longer have time to prepare.

Here are a few ideas to help you make your Divine Lemoned Dessert. Click on the blued words. . PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING NEWLY PUBLISHED POSTS.
- Title your entry this way : "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #14 : Title of your Dish" .
- Tag Divine Lemoned Dessert post with: ( yes, all of them)
Make sure to use all those 4 tags
- TAKE PICTURES OF THE STEP BY STEP PROCESS YOU TOOK because unlike other recipe blog sites, in Steemit - we over deliver. Here's a post to guide you in uploading pictures for your posts.
- TWO ENTRIES per participant would be counted so submit your very best!
Are you joining as a couple? That's allowed. However, in order to make sure we are going to be fair and just to the other participants, who are participating as an individual, we ask that to qualify your 2 entries as a couple post a video of you (a video each - man and wife) cooking. Utube accepts longer videos. No video only qualifies you for 1 entry each. One entry for the husband and one entry for the wife. Give us the courtesy of declaring yourselves as a couple.
EDIT : The couples' video should be from the start of cooking to the finish.
- Post a link of your entry in the comment thread. If you have/ are in Steemit.chat- post it on the steemitculinarychallenge channel. If you don't use Steemit chat, we suggest that you do.
Deadline of Submission is no later than TUESDAY at 12 midnight UTC +1
To make sure that your work is yours and is not plagiarized or copy pasted from the internet and to make sure that we won't be rewarding a thief DO ONE OF THESE:


The picture should be laid on top or next to your dish entry to make sure it wasn't just photoshoped. Remember, @steamcleaners and @cheetah would go after you.

WINNERS would be announced together with the next theme every Friday, UTC +1 .
Don't forget to THANK AND FOLLOW our sponsors for supporting the Steemit Culinary Challenge.

trophy design - by @vegascomic
@dresden, @juanmiguelsalas and @nelyp are willing to help translate recipes from Spanish to English. If you ask them for help, don't forget to reciprocate.
Do you have any questions or need to clarify something about this week's theme please feel free to ask away ! Here, or in the chat. I may not reply right away in the chat but I'll surely reply as soon as I see your query. I have the same chat name.
Here you can find the winners of Steemit Culinary Challenges in the previous challenges:
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #12 - Purely Paleo and New Theme Announcement
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #11 - Cheeseless Burger and New Theme Announcement
For the announcement of winners and updates about the status of this challenge.
Homemade Smoked Codfish Volcano on Beluga Volcanite & Sambal Olek Lava by @steved
1st prize : 25SBD sponsored by@smooth
Prosciutto-Wrapped Parsley Pesto Fish with Zucchini Noodles and Cherry tomatoes by @amy-goodrich

Your prizes are going to be wired directly to your wallet by the respective sponsors.
To all the sponsors, Steemians who submitted their entries , everyone who upvoted the other entries this week - THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!.
This week's guest judge for the Steemit Culinary Challenge #14 : Divine Lemoned Dessert is one of those SBD Santas who has been throwing SBDs like his brother - The Old Dog to help encourage authors to go on.. by rewarding them when they've guessed where he is on his posts. That did not only take care of views but of interactions and laughs among Steemians as well. He is no other than - the dashing debonair, one of the funniest authors and commentors in Steemit Land - @onceuponatime who - like our last guest judge, also gave in to my last minute request (last night) for him to be guest judge for this week. This is what he chose to be our theme for this week and thanks to @gringalicious for letting me use one of her pics since I no longer have time to prepare.

Here are a few ideas to help you make your Divine Lemoned Dessert. Click on the blued words. . PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING NEWLY PUBLISHED POSTS.
- Title your entry this way : "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #14 : Title of your Dish" .
- Tag Divine Lemoned Dessert post with: ( yes, all of them)
Make sure to use all those 4 tags
- TAKE PICTURES OF THE STEP BY STEP PROCESS YOU TOOK because unlike other recipe blog sites, in Steemit - we over deliver. Here's a post to guide you in uploading pictures for your posts.
- TWO ENTRIES per participant would be counted so submit your very best!
Are you joining as a couple? That's allowed. However, in order to make sure we are going to be fair and just to the other participants, who are participating as an individual, we ask that to qualify your 2 entries as a couple post a video of you (a video each - man and wife) cooking. Utube accepts longer videos. No video only qualifies you for 1 entry each. One entry for the husband and one entry for the wife. Give us the courtesy of declaring yourselves as a couple.
EDIT : The couples' video should be from the start of cooking to the finish.
- Post a link of your entry in the comment thread. If you have/ are in Steemit.chat- post it on the steemitculinarychallenge channel. If you don't use Steemit chat, we suggest that you do.
Deadline of Submission is no later than TUESDAY at 12 midnight UTC +1
To make sure that your work is yours and is not plagiarized or copy pasted from the internet and to make sure that we won't be rewarding a thief DO ONE OF THESE:


The picture should be laid on top or next to your dish entry to make sure it wasn't just photoshoped. Remember, @steamcleaners and @cheetah would go after you.

WINNERS would be announced together with the next theme every Friday, UTC +1 .
Don't forget to THANK AND FOLLOW our sponsors for supporting the Steemit Culinary Challenge.

trophy design - by @vegascomic
@dresden, @juanmiguelsalas and @nelyp are willing to help translate recipes from Spanish to English. If you ask them for help, don't forget to reciprocate.
Do you have any questions or need to clarify something about this week's theme please feel free to ask away ! Here, or in the chat. I may not reply right away in the chat but I'll surely reply as soon as I see your query. I have the same chat name.
Here you can find the winners of Steemit Culinary Challenges in the previous challenges:
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #12 - Purely Paleo and New Theme Announcement
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #11 - Cheeseless Burger and New Theme Announcement
For the announcement of winners and updates about the status of this challenge.
Prosciutto-Wrapped Parsley Pesto Fish with Zucchini Noodles and Cherry tomatoes by @amy-goodrich
Your prizes are going to be wired directly to your wallet by the respective sponsors.
Here are a few ideas to help you make your Divine Lemoned Dessert. Click on the blued words. . PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING NEWLY PUBLISHED POSTS.

- Title your entry this way : "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #14 : Title of your Dish" .
- Tag Divine Lemoned Dessert post with: ( yes, all of them)
Make sure to use all those 4 tags
- TAKE PICTURES OF THE STEP BY STEP PROCESS YOU TOOK because unlike other recipe blog sites, in Steemit - we over deliver. Here's a post to guide you in uploading pictures for your posts.
- TWO ENTRIES per participant would be counted so submit your very best!
Are you joining as a couple? That's allowed. However, in order to make sure we are going to be fair and just to the other participants, who are participating as an individual, we ask that to qualify your 2 entries as a couple post a video of you (a video each - man and wife) cooking. Utube accepts longer videos. No video only qualifies you for 1 entry each. One entry for the husband and one entry for the wife. Give us the courtesy of declaring yourselves as a couple.
EDIT : The couples' video should be from the start of cooking to the finish.
- Post a link of your entry in the comment thread. If you have/ are in Steemit.chat- post it on the steemitculinarychallenge channel. If you don't use Steemit chat, we suggest that you do.
Deadline of Submission is no later than TUESDAY at 12 midnight UTC +1
To make sure that your work is yours and is not plagiarized or copy pasted from the internet and to make sure that we won't be rewarding a thief DO ONE OF THESE:
The picture should be laid on top or next to your dish entry to make sure it wasn't just photoshoped. Remember, @steamcleaners and @cheetah would go after you.
WINNERS would be announced together with the next theme every Friday, UTC +1 .
trophy design - by @vegascomic
@dresden, @juanmiguelsalas and @nelyp are willing to help translate recipes from Spanish to English. If you ask them for help, don't forget to reciprocate.
Do you have any questions or need to clarify something about this week's theme please feel free to ask away ! Here, or in the chat. I may not reply right away in the chat but I'll surely reply as soon as I see your query. I have the same chat name.
Here you can find the winners of Steemit Culinary Challenges in the previous challenges:
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #12 - Purely Paleo and New Theme Announcement
Winners of Steemit Culinary Challenge #11 - Cheeseless Burger and New Theme Announcement
For the announcement of winners and updates about the status of this challenge.