Alphabet Adventures Episode 5 "Abet"

Welcome to Alphabet Adventures a journey through the dictionary Episode 5 .
I you didn't catch the first episode you can find it here basically it tells you what I am doing and why.

I have decided that the following quote will be a permanent fixture as I feel really captures the power of language.

“If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them”
Genesis 11: 6

Today's Adventure.

Todays adventure is a simple one with no deeper message just the sharing of a tiny little word and its meaning, mainly because my mother just told me that my last one on aberrant was hard reading and she is a teacher.


v to encourage or allow to happen by aid or approval.


Combining and condensing the Latin ad - to - and the old french beter - to hound or urge on - pretty straight forward right?

Bad boys, bad boys What'cha gonna do?


Ok so I was going to make the assumption that everyone here would know this word then the memory of a slightly unhinged lady accusing me of "Aiding and a bedding criminals" resurfaced I'm not sure maybe she thought I found criminals sexy or thought I was guilty of giving them linen.

If you have ever watched any crime series like CSI - Crime Sleuths Initiative or NYPD - Guys in blue shirts save the city then its almost guaranteed that you have heard the correct phrase to "aid and abet" that's right its a legal term .

Given its definition of abet I would completely forgive you for asking the question of why we appear to use essentially the same word twice after all aid/abet pretty much the same dam thing right but let me show the tiny differences at least as far as the law is concerned.

Aid: General considered to be related the assistance provided in the commission of a crime for this one think accomplice like a get away driver.
Abet: To provide encouragement, advice, or to instigate the commission of a crime. Think a mob boss "suggesting" that his friends they should commit a crime and sharing ideas on how it might be done.

Well that's today's little adventure hopefully no-one out there still thinks its "Aiding an a bedding"

If you feel like sharing your favourite word chuck it in the comments.

Pervious Episodes.
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If you would like to follow me @shai-hulud in these adventures please feel free alternatively if you write to educate can I suggest the tag #steemiteducation

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Kind Regards


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