...After delivering the Violets to the front door of Eule's Mercedes truck from prehistoric times - his home - we started the last part of our journey towards Mecca of Music, Berlin; 100+ kilometres to go, only a few hours away from our dinner with our friends. Just in time we arrived at our friends place in Neukölln, one of the most interesting areas of Berlin. @illuminati curating was waiting for me, so I decided to let me friend go and skip dinner myself. Priorities must be set :)

image: Lineup by Tresor (source)
And then! Finally! After the curation, buck-loads of coffee, it was time to head to Tresor. Just in time to hear the second part of Heiko Laux opening set at the Globus floor; Super!
We stayed almost to the absolute end, when remembering correctly, we left around 11 in the morning. Wasn't the plan, but what can you do with such great lineup, super music, with friends not leaving, and a bunch of great new people I got to know, hanging out together, having fun and enjoying the atmosphere, music and all.

image: Mike Dearborn
For this post I like to bring Mike Dearborn to your attention. This guy is one of the first generation techno producers and DJs. A special guy, if I may say so. In between a lot of other activities in his life, he travels across half the world for a show. Simply amazing how he can combine two worlds. And I feel fortunate to have been able to hear him play again. No recording of the Tresor set, but I share with you a recent recording Mike made and published on his Soundcloud. Certainly a good one as well...
A weekend of STORIES ADVENTURES & MUSIC || MEMENTO STYLE || part 1 of 3
A weekend of STORIES ADVENTURES & MUSIC || MEMENTO STYLE || part 2 of 3
Artist: Mike Dearborn
Set: Contrast System 1 Year Anniversary
Year: 2017
Country: United States of America
source soundcloud
Artist Music
Spotify Beatport Soundcloud YouTube
Artist Discography
Artist Gigs

image: Tresor basement