MakeMeSmile - Team Malaysia CNY Gathering / 大马队新年大聚餐

If you have missed my teaser post last night, here it is. The sunset and the view are just so amazingly beautiful! I will not post it again in this post... This post will be showing only photos of the party... Again, I would like to THANK @aaronleang and @joannewong hosting this awesome HUAT gathering! Really happening! And also we have special international guests @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto and @shenoy! Sorry for not able to sit down and chit chat longer with you all... Busy with my girls most of the time (as usual)...

就如昨晚说好的,今天我将为大家呈现昨晚大马队新年大聚餐我所拍摄到的照片。所以如果你错过了我昨晚的前传,可以到这链接看看。昨天的照片是晚霞,吉隆坡全景和夜景。这些照片都不会在这篇po出现了。要再次感谢我们的主人家 @aaronleang@joannewong,感谢你们为大家准备的难忘超级棒的新年派对!还有也要向我们的特别嘉宾 @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto @shenoy 道歉,因为大部分时间都花在我宝贝女儿们身上,没法和大家畅聊。

Paper quilling mandalas for our guests made by @halleyleow / @halleyleow为嘉宾做的衍纸曼陀罗

The white glue is still not fully dried yet. Hope our friends would love this. / 白胶还没完全干透。希望我们的朋友会喜欢。

Beautiful clouds when we are on our way to the Setia Sky Residence / 途中看到的漂亮的云朵

Little ones playing in the pool before the party starts / 小朋友在玩水

@littlenewthings taking photos before all other guests arrive / 赶在大部分客人还没到来@littlenewthings 先拍照留念

@littlenewthings welcomes our friends @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto and @shenoy (Took photo before I passed them their name stickers) / @littlenewthings 欢迎我们的朋友 @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto @shenoy (让我乘机快快拍下来,然后再把他们的名字的贴纸分派给他们)。

Finally three of us get to take a wefie - we knew each other back from Tsu - me @ackhoo and @littlenewthings (Han, where are you? You have missed out all the FUN here) / 我,@ackhoo @littlenewthings 从tsu开始认识到现在的第一张自拍照,(Han,你在哪里啊?错过了很多好玩的呀!)

Another awesome wefie with @karinzdailygrind and @ackhoo / 另外一张和@karinzdailygrind @ackhoo的自拍

Big bro @bitrocker2020 and host @aaronleang preparing for the Lou Sang session / 为捞生做准备

Toss Toss Toss! Steem Rise to the Moon! More Steem! Abundance Wealth and Health! Toss until @ryenneleow's head also have the Yee sang! Really HUAT this time! Hahaha! /捞啊!HUAT啊!财源滚滚来啊!多多STEEM!合家平安!心想事成!国泰民安!捞到我二女儿头上都有了。真是红运当头啊!


Everyone enjoying the yummilicious food prepared by our awesome host. The mini tarts are super yummy! Vinnie alone ate about 10 pieces. / 大家不管三七二十一的大口大口的吃。那迷你挞真的很好吃,Vinnie吃了差不多有十个。


More photos. Another new friend @joyceann21 (from the Philippines but currently residing in Malaysia) So glad to meet you! And @orangila has to show off his new "earring". And got a wefie with @chloephuan93 too with the beautiful background. / 更多照片。认识了来只菲律宾的朋友@joyceann21@orangila 的新"耳环"。和@chloephuan93来个美美自拍。


The Juniors enjoying themselves at the coloring corner / 小朋友在角落上色

Ninja @aaronleang in the action right before our group photo session / 忍者@aaronleang

Host @aaronleang offering the mini tarts to the guests / 主人家@aaronleang 把剩下的迷你挞分给客人

Official photographer @orangila in action / 大会指定摄影师 @orangila 在拍照

Big bro @bitrocker2020 and @nickychu going to take a smoke / 大哥哥 @bitrocker2020@nickychu

Thanks @joannewong for this wefie of us and @firepower / 感谢 @joannewong 为我们还有 @firepower 拍的自拍照

That's all from me... And let's look at posts from others.

post from @aaronleang

teaser from @littlenewthings

post from @asherlee

teaser from @zord189

post from @kimzwarch

More posts :-
post from @elvira.galina

post from @joyceann21

post from @maverickfoo

post from @kokuryo

post from @chuazm

There will be more to come. Really looking forward to all the posts! Team Malaysia gatherings are always awesome!

And all Team Malaysia gatherings are awesome reason to MakeMeSmile.


If you have no idea what is MakeMeSmile is all about, do check out my announcement post [HERE](@elizacheng/makemesmile-week-2-announcement-postfor all the rules and how to take part and you may be our lucky winner!

如果你不知道MakeMeSmile是什么“东东”,欢迎你到这里看看。也欢迎你踊跃参加此挑战,有可能你就是我们的幸运儿哦! (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba

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