If you have missed my teaser post last night, here it is. The sunset and the view are just so amazingly beautiful! I will not post it again in this post... This post will be showing only photos of the party... Again, I would like to THANK @aaronleang and @joannewong hosting this awesome HUAT gathering! Really happening! And also we have special international guests @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto and @shenoy! Sorry for not able to sit down and chit chat longer with you all... Busy with my girls most of the time (as usual)...
就如昨晚说好的,今天我将为大家呈现昨晚大马队新年大聚餐我所拍摄到的照片。所以如果你错过了我昨晚的前传,可以到这链接看看。昨天的照片是晚霞,吉隆坡全景和夜景。这些照片都不会在这篇po出现了。要再次感谢我们的主人家 @aaronleang 和 @joannewong,感谢你们为大家准备的难忘超级棒的新年派对!还有也要向我们的特别嘉宾 @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto @shenoy 道歉,因为大部分时间都花在我宝贝女儿们身上,没法和大家畅聊。
Paper quilling mandalas for our guests made by @halleyleow / @halleyleow为嘉宾做的衍纸曼陀罗
The white glue is still not fully dried yet. Hope our friends would love this. / 白胶还没完全干透。希望我们的朋友会喜欢。
Beautiful clouds when we are on our way to the Setia Sky Residence / 途中看到的漂亮的云朵
Little ones playing in the pool before the party starts / 小朋友在玩水
@littlenewthings taking photos before all other guests arrive / 赶在大部分客人还没到来@littlenewthings 先拍照留念
@littlenewthings welcomes our friends @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto and @shenoy (Took photo before I passed them their name stickers) / @littlenewthings 欢迎我们的朋友 @firepower, @sjennon, @varunpinto @shenoy (让我乘机快快拍下来,然后再把他们的名字的贴纸分派给他们)。
Finally three of us get to take a wefie - we knew each other back from Tsu - me @ackhoo and @littlenewthings (Han, where are you? You have missed out all the FUN here) / 我,@ackhoo @littlenewthings 从tsu开始认识到现在的第一张自拍照,(Han,你在哪里啊?错过了很多好玩的呀!)
Another awesome wefie with @karinzdailygrind and @ackhoo / 另外一张和@karinzdailygrind @ackhoo的自拍
Big bro @bitrocker2020 and host @aaronleang preparing for the Lou Sang session / 为捞生做准备
Toss Toss Toss! Steem Rise to the Moon! More Steem! Abundance Wealth and Health! Toss until @ryenneleow's head also have the Yee sang! Really HUAT this time! Hahaha! /捞啊!HUAT啊!财源滚滚来啊!多多STEEM!合家平安!心想事成!国泰民安!捞到我二女儿头上都有了。真是红运当头啊!

Everyone enjoying the yummilicious food prepared by our awesome host. The mini tarts are super yummy! Vinnie alone ate about 10 pieces. / 大家不管三七二十一的大口大口的吃。那迷你挞真的很好吃,Vinnie吃了差不多有十个。

More photos. Another new friend @joyceann21 (from the Philippines but currently residing in Malaysia) So glad to meet you! And @orangila has to show off his new "earring". And got a wefie with @chloephuan93 too with the beautiful background. / 更多照片。认识了来只菲律宾的朋友@joyceann21 。@orangila 的新"耳环"。和@chloephuan93来个美美自拍。

The Juniors enjoying themselves at the coloring corner / 小朋友在角落上色
Ninja @aaronleang in the action right before our group photo session / 忍者@aaronleang
Host @aaronleang offering the mini tarts to the guests / 主人家@aaronleang 把剩下的迷你挞分给客人
Official photographer @orangila in action / 大会指定摄影师 @orangila 在拍照
Big bro @bitrocker2020 and @nickychu going to take a smoke / 大哥哥 @bitrocker2020 和 @nickychu
Thanks @joannewong for this wefie of us and @firepower / 感谢 @joannewong 为我们还有 @firepower 拍的自拍照
That's all from me... And let's look at posts from others.
post from @aaronleang
teaser from @littlenewthings
post from @kimzwarch
More posts :-
post from @elvira.galina
post from @joyceann21
post from @maverickfoo
There will be more to come. Really looking forward to all the posts! Team Malaysia gatherings are always awesome!
And all Team Malaysia gatherings are awesome reason to MakeMeSmile.
