Confusing Earth - Chapter 11: Lovely

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Chapter 11: Lovely


The pink phone rang. The family stared at the phone. Its ring beckoned them yet they were cautious.
"I wonder who is on the other end?" thought Liam aloud.
"Let's not answer it" said Jack "What if the person calling thinks we stole it? We could get locked up and they might find out we are aliens."
Bella sighed.
"I doubt that Jack" she said and she picked up the phone. She answered it.
"Hello" she said.
"Hi" said a girl's voice, "I think you have my phone?"
"We have a phone" said Bella, "Is it your number you rang?"
"Well it's yours then" said Bella, "You want to meet up somewhere to get it back.
"Yes that would be good" said the girl "Where can we meet up?"
"Do you work?" asked Bella, "I could drop it into the place you work".
"Actually I go to high school" said the girl, "West High School".
"Oh well that will be lovely" said Bella, "We are going there today to drop some forms in for my son to start. Maybe we can meet up with you then".
"Okay thanks" said the girl.
"No problem" said Bella, "See you then". Bella hung up.
Bella looked at Jack. "No alien autopsies today Jack" she said.
"Yes, well, it could have been bad, okay?" argued Jack.


Jack then turned to Maree and Max.
"Okay, well, today we are going to your schools but later this week you two need to watch some docu-holograms about school students so you are prepared to go to school" ordered Jack.
"Okay Jack" said Maree, "and don't forget to tell me any experiences you all have for my reports."
"Okay" said Jack "Now come on, privates, let's go"

The family left the house, Liam in Bella's arms. They walked and limped to Max's school. They all stood at the metal boundary around the school and glanced up at the building.
"Well, we'd better get going" said Jack and he passed his crutches to Bella. He grabbed hold of the metal boundary, heaved one leg over it and then the other. He then lost his footing and fell on his stomach on the ground. He grabbed hold of the metal boundary to pull himself back up. He balanced there, half laying half standing, clutching to the metal boundary for the tiny bit of support he had. Bella passed him his crutches one at a time, and he hoisted himself up again. Bella, Max, Maree and Liam looked at Jack for a moment. Max looked at Bella and Maree.
"Want to go through the hole in the boundary down there a little bit?" he asked, pointing to their left.
"Okay" said Bella. They walked through the gap in the boundary as Jack stared at them. They walked down the inside of the boundary and went up to Jack. They headed up to the building within the school and looked through the transparent door of the school. They headed in and saw a sign saying "Office".
"This is the place" said Maree, "It says on these forms to take them to the office."
They walked up to the desk where the word "office" was written. A lady soon came up to see them.
"Hi, can I help you?" asked the lady.
"Please do" said Jack, "I want to drop these forms in so my son can start at this educational institution. Maree, pass me the forms." Maree passed Jack the forms and Jack passed them to the receptionist. She looked over the forms.
"Okay" she said, "So this is for Max?"
"Yes" said Jack, "Max get here."
Max moved a bit closer to the desk. The lady looked at him and then back down at the forms.
"Okay" she said, "Everything seems to be in order. I will just take a moment to see if the principal can see you".
She left and when she came back there was a man with her.


The man smiled at them and then held his hand out to Jack.
"Oh, you are such a nice male" squealed Jack, "You're going to help me walk." Jack let one of his crutches drop and grabbed the man's hand with that arm's hand.
"Bella take my other crutch" ordered Jack. Bella went to.
"No. Stop" demanded the man, "I can't help you. I don't want anyone hurting themselves. I just wanted you to shake."
"Oh" said Jack, letting go of his hand, "Can you pass my other crutch up here then?"
"Sure" said the man and he passed it back up.
"Okay" he said, clapping his hands, "Let's get down to business"
Liam looked excited at the prospect of business.
"Wait" said Jack, "I still haven't fulfilled your request of shaking."
"oh it's okay" said the man.
"No it's not" said Jack, "I messed it up before."
"Okay" said the man. He extended his hand again. Jack now on crutches properly again, grabbed hold of the man's hand. He then shook, but not the man's hand. He shook his own whole body. Max facepalmed and his hand slowly drifted down his face as he sighed. Bella grabbed the man's other hand and shook it.
"I'm Bella" she said.
"Derrick Smith" said the man, shaking her hand, "I'm the principal here".
"There, we are done" Bella said, and she frowned at Jack. Jack stopped shaking, in awe of what Bella had worked out and done. Jack let go of the man's hand.
"Let's go to my office to discuss your son's enrollment" said Principal Derrick. He led them down a corridor and they followed. Max hung his head in embarrassment.
"My father figure is embarrassing me and I haven't even started school yet" he muttered to himself.

The meeting about starting school went relatively well. Maree did a good job filling in the forms and leaving no gaps in their fake histories. They were getting towards the end when Derrick said, "Now Max, I just want to talk to your parents alone for a moment. Would you and Maree be able to wait just near the office there? There will be people working in the office there who you can stay with".
"Okay" said Max. Max and Maree went to the office and the receptionist was still there. Max felt around in the bit of material sewn to his pants that made a hole he can put things in and felt the pink phone in there. Max pulled the phone out. He was about to ask the receptionist about it when it started ringing. He picked it up.
"Hello" he said.
"Hello" said the girl, "I'm in my lunch break. Are you at the school at all?"
"Yes" said Max, "I'm at the office".
"Cool" said the girl, "I'll be there in a sec."
Max listened to the beeping of a hung up phone for a moment before looking at Maree.
"She's coming now" he said.

A moment later, a door to the office opened and Max's jaw dropped. In came the owner of the pink phone. The owner of the pink phone was the same girl he had been talking to on the big green thing that people run around on and throw balls on down the street from their house. The owner was Sara.
"Sara" he gasped.
"Oh it's you Max" she said, smiling at him, "Are you starting here now?"
"Yes" said Max, "And I am in year 10."
"Cool" said Sara. Max passed Sara the phone. His fingers tingled slightly as their fingers momentarily touched as they exchanged the phone. There was silence.
"Okay, well see you around then" said Sara finally, "Thanks for my phone."
Sara walked out and Max stared at her as she left. Then Jack and Bella came out. Max turned around to face them.
"Okay" said Jack, "Time for Maree's school".
And off they went.


At the time of writing, my blog is at 99 followers. This luftballoon wants it to hit 100 so it can leave the blog and instead make its way to the horizon. If you liked this content, or any of my other content, consider following my blog so you don't miss any of my content, and so the balloon can be let go (Note: I'm not really releasing any balloons irl).



Chapter 10: Currant: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-10-currant

Chapter 9: Reliable: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-9-reliable

Chapter 8: Caressing: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-8-caressing

Chapter 7: Shades: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-7-shades

Chapter 6: Wonder: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-6-wonder

Chapter 5: Stepping: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-5-stepping

Chapter 4: Stench: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-4-stench

Chapter 3: Value: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-3-value

Chapter 2: Launch: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-2-launch

Chapter 1: Splash : @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-1-splash









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A POST I ENJOYED BY SOMEONE ELSE: @methus/gaming-with-kids-alexa-the-dungeon-master

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