I Explore My Journey With You!- Writing Challenge - Day #3

Hello Steemian Friends!

Day #3

Skip below if you have read Day #1 and Day #2.
This is a continuation of how I evolved to the lifestyle I live today. Please read Day #1 Post and Day #2 Post First!
Thank you for following along. I hoping you are enjoying the story. Today's will be a short one as I don't have too much time.

Purpose of these posts: I have been slacking on my posting lately. More so I’ve been focusing on commenting and resteeming great content. So, with that I have decided to challenge myself! I am going to attempt to write a short series of posts, hopefully one a day, if not oh well! Not much of challenge for you regulars, but for me a challenge non the less. Not sure how many posts this will be, but for the next week I am going to tell you my story of how my wife and I ended up in the lifestyle we have been currently living for the past 4 years. And what continues to lead us through this lifestyle. Looking back this was an epic journey to where we are today. The purpose of this is for you to find inspiration that making changes in your life can have a huge impact of where you are today. I hope you find this useful and insightful. Thank you for stopping by and as always Enjoy and Explore!

The Question

We continue living day in and day out like any other days of past. But every day there is a lingering feeling of doubt present in the pit of my stomach. As I am away from Amber, I can only imagine the scenarios playing through her mind.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Will I ever get better? What the hell is wrong with me? How much time before my kidneys stop?
And the toughest one to swallow…

Will I be able to have kids?

Gosh, just writing that sentence gave me an ache in my chest. Let me tell you, and I know a lot of women’s dreams are to have kids, but for Amber, that was IT. Everything in her life could be bad, but if she were to be able to bring a child and raise him/her in this world it would make her life perfect. I could not even imagine the thought of a doctor telling her that is not an option. Well I didn’t have to imagine much longer…

After Amber’s next doctor’s appointment, I asked her how it went. And the usual was same old same old. No idea what is the cause of the problem. Levels are still the same and not getting better. But this time she asked if she would ever be able to have kids. This doctor was not very optimistic in her response. Again the feeling of helplessness just drowns the two of us.

We decided to have another ultrasound which concluded absolutely no cysts. Which was a good sign, but all other problems still existed. The doctors then decide it would be a good idea to have a biopsy done. Again the kidney biopsy provided no explanation at all. They couldn't find anything.

It had been one frustrating year of unanswered questions and no real explanation for Amber's joint pain, fatigue, and kidney disease so, we decided to keep searching for answers.

That bring us to a pivot point in this story. Amber and I love to watch documentaries and other educational films about random things. We decided one night to sit down and watch the one documentary that I'm convinced changed our lives completely.

To Be Continue...

Stay tuned for the next post on the continuation of how my wife and I got to the lifestyle we live now. If you like to support my efforts here for this week much love to you!! Whatever these posts earn, we will be donating the USD equivalent to our favorite Farm Sanctuary. Tamerlaine Farm Animal Sanctuary.

Thank You! Keep exploring!

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