Come hike with me!
Ellis Brook Reserve
Ellis Brook reserve is located Martin, Western Australia. Its hosts four bush walks of varying difficulties, the most popular and most difficult one being the Sixty Foot Falls trail, the trail I will be walking you through today. My husband @shai-hulud and I discovered Ellis Brook Reserve about four years ago when we got bored of our standard walk so decided to do some research for local walks/hikes. It was the best thing we ever did as we love to hike now and have found many wonderful places like this to explore.
My sister @beenathinkin will be joining us, she is new to steemit and like many of us not sure where to start, much like my fitness journey. The arrow indicates where we are hiking up to, its the most interesting even during the dry season when there are no waterfalls to be seen. This is one of the closest things you will find to a mountain in Western Australia and it's more like a steep hill with steps.
Let the stepping begin, this hike is just over 2km long and as I said its steep. It has been graded as a level 4 with many rocks to step up although over time as this place has gained favour with the locals more man-made steps and rails have appeared.
These are some of these man-made additions I was talking about, it makes it safer and it's not uncommon to see many families with children as young as five with there dog in tow. Pet peeve: If your going to take your animal hiking or walking with you, wonderful they will love it and I am all for exercising your animals but pick up the poop! Stepping in poop is an easy way to ruin someone's day!
Celebrate! We made it a third of the way round the loop, up three sets of calf breaking steps and a rest break is withing sight. The first time I did this walk I had to stop every third step to catch my breath and stop my heart beating out of my chest. Now I can jog up them, WINNING!
Rest and water break, plus the the best view of the currently non-existent Sixty Foot Falls. In winter they and the connecting rivers flow freely but for how long depends on the rainfall which sadly is never enough, our dams are currently sitting at a low 41% capacity.
We made it to the top of the falls, exhausted and sweating but happy with our efforts. Behind us in the dip is Perth city, on a clear day you can see the buildings and just how tiny it is.
Not even a trickle of water, this is one of the sources to the falls and in winter an obstacle to jump over that ofter ends with wet socks if you don't use the stepping stones right. During winter I will take you to overlook the top of the falls.
Could it be more disapointing to see more stairs after you believe you had reached the top?
Ok, now this really is the top! I love this chair, all the soil has eroded around it but it still stands. I know one day I will turn that last corner looking for my iconic chair and it will have fallen but I love that I feel like a little kid sitting on it, so until that day I will always take a second to celebrate making it.
It's all downhill from here, the stones can be slippery and in winter it can turn into a bit of a mud slide but it all adds to the experience. I am super impressed with my sister who on her first visit here slipped on the homeward stretch rolling her ankle, she hobbled the remained of the way down, healed up and tackled the walk again the next month.
Our reward, that view! I also have a thing for trees, in particulr ones that a bit twisted I like to think of then as unique , the one featured below was devestated by fire years back only for it live again. Below that to the right you can see some local wattle in flower, one of more than 500 species that can be found in Ellis Brook, a sight to be seen in Spring.
This needs no words, other than I am very proud of my sister who is 55kg lighter than she was nine months ago, she had another 20kg's to her perfect weight and I have no doubt that she will achieve it.

If you are happy to do the same as my awesome sister and squeeze yourself though that tiny "unauthorised" hole you will be rewarded with this awesome view of the old Barrington Quarry. I really wish you could swim in that water but unfortunately, some have to ruin it for the whole. There is abandoned vehicles along with many other hidden surprises in that alluring water.
Homeward stretch and the last set of stairs, by this stage legs are commonly jelly and you may be in need of a long bath but you will feel happy with your achievement and impressed with what you have seen no matter what the season.
The end for now! Thanks for hiking with us today, we hope you will join us for another one soon!
I had hoped to end the post with our celebratory breakfast post hike, but we ate it before we remembered to take the photo. Sorry....

How about I end it with the geese that attacked the car on the way home but were too cute not to film.

Want some inspiration or a maybe a laugh, I'm pretty funny I have been told. CHECK out these posts, all brought to you by @insideoutlet!
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My hubby is also a great steemian worth a follow, check him out @shai-hulud. Below are some of his:
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