Before we begin.
All SBD from this post will be donated to the Leukaemia Foundation.
Welcome to Alphabet Adventures a journey through the dictionary Episode 7 .
I you didn't catch the first episode you can find it here basically it tells you what I am doing and why.
I have decided that the following quote will be a permanent fixture as I feel really captures the power of language.
“If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them”
Today's Adventure.
v.t 1. to free from the consequences or penalties of action.
2. to set free from or release, from duty, obligation or responsibility.
3. to grant pardon.
From the Latin Ab - from and Solvere meaning to loosen, untie, or release.
Obligate meaning to bind, I would expand but your not getting two words in one adventure trying to write this one is hard enough.
So its a nice and clear line for us to understanding the that the core concept of this word is an unbinding, a freeing, and disconnecting. Now before I started my research for this post I assumed that I would be writing another one of those value of forgiveness posts so lets take a look at the actual concepts behind the word.

Ok so for some of you out there the word absolve probably conjures up the word absolution and images of a confessional.
While others are thinking about the Hitman series now that I mentioned absolution for those gamers out there let me just point out that's not what we are talking about today the only unbinding Agent 47 does is of his targets from life.
In fact unless your a Catholic even the priest and the confessional aren't really what we are talking about.

What we are talking about can be completely and utterly managed by the self we all know those times when we have felt overwhelmed by the burden of duty and while some duties are valid, just, and righteous some in fact more than a few of these duties are imagined the duty or conform, the duty to submit, even the idea that we have to save others.
When we take the time to really examine those things we consider to be our duties and those behaviours we commit to in order to identify those duties we truly believe in and wish to continue vs those imagined duties that add no real true value to yourself or others we can make that free choice to Absolve ourselves from the unnecessary and redirect our full attention and effort into the valuable.

Guilt is a valuable emotion in a society where individuals cooperate, its deeply tied into who we are and our ability to empathise. Guilt is that emotion that most of us feel when we behave in a way we consider morally reprehensible or in a manner that damages our community.
However the damage done to our mental health by being bound to imagined guilt is massive. The pressures of failing to live of to expectation you think others have of you breaks yourself image. Take your time have a good look and Absolve yourself from false guilt.
Anger, Hurt, Pain.

Every one has been hurt, had a friend share a secret told in confidence or been the butt of a hurtful joke and never forgotten it, and some of us have had betrayals of trust that feel beyond forgiveness.
Its hard to examine our feelings and realise that the pain we have in our hearts is is pain we have chosen to hold onto long after the cause but with introspection we can unbind ourselves from that pain, absolve our connection to it and forgiveness is one path to absolution you should at least consider.
Let me know what do you need absolution from ?
Pervious Episodes.
Aardvark Abandon Ability Aberant Abet Abound
If you would like to follow me @shai-hulud in these adventures please feel free alternatively if you write to educate can I suggest the tag #steemiteducation
Feel like following and inspiring woman check out my wife @insideoutlet and her latest post Love isn't always shit free
Kind Regards

All images except Title sourced from Pixabay.com attribution free.