Notes From an Amateur Writer #7 - Introducing Nomad [A Cyberpunk Mystery in the Making]



There are worlds seen, and there are worlds unseen. There are even worlds that exist between the two. In the cracks, and the invisible spaces that go unnoticed by people. By most people, but certainly not by all. They exist, in their own space. There are some who think they also exist in their own time. A time unlike our own. But still here and now just the same. All around us, in the air we breath, and the space we occupy. Or perhaps in the gaps within the space we occupy.

A decision is made. It is a new decision. Fate had not accounted for it. It's owner had awoken to a new mindset and put into place a choice that differed from the expected. Free will, or an anomaly built into the Universe of ours? These things are not known for sure, but what is known is that a split occurs. Where once a timeline went in one direction, into the future based on variables that, for the most part, gelled with the Universe's unseen moving parts, there now existed a new timeline. Two, instead of one. An unknown variable had appeared. A variable variable.

Where once there was one world, two now exist. Who would know? A being can only occupy one world at a time. But is it the same world as others? What if we exist in the other world also, but we simply have no awareness of this?

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Many more decisions get made over a lifetime. Throughout all of our lifetimes. From the first breath until the last. Perhaps the vast majority of them are accounted for. Perhaps the underlying mechanism to the Universe has them already programmed into its vast interface. But what of the others? What happens with those choices that spontaneously arise? What of the decisions that are altered at the last minute? What happens when fate has preordained us for a specific path, only for our destiny to intervene?

New worlds would arise. Here, but unseen all the same. Perhaps even unexperienced by the vast majority of us all. But what if there were some who could experience these other worlds? What if there were those who, through some error in the cosmic flow and order all around us, found themselves thrown between worlds? Out of the world they knew and loved. Away from a life that had meaning for them. Into worlds previously unknown. Ordered worlds, and chaotic worlds. Beautiful worlds and barbaric worlds. Could they get back? Could they find a way to return, through the void, through the dimensional trapdoor that had enveloped them?

I awoke one day to a world that was not my own. It felt different more so than it looked different. I had to scratch below the surface to notice what my instincts were telling me. I wasn't home any more. I had no idea where I was. I had no idea how to return. I am Nomad.

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This is an idea I have been thinking of for a while now. I had the character's name before I really had any idea of his story. A sense of who this character was started to develop within my mind, and with that the specifics of their story started to appear between the cracks. The idea of multiple worlds, of being lost, of a search for home. A scifi/adventure/cyberpunk type setting. The ideas are still loose and developing, but this much has shown itself. I may try to write a small section of it (perhaps a chapter) to get a feel for it myself.

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Notes From an Amateur Writer #1 - The Search For Inspiration
Notes From an Amateur Writer #2 - A Call to Action: Interacting With the World Outside of Me
Notes From an Amateur Writer #3 - Facing the Challenge
Notes From an Amateur Writer #4 - The Soundtrack to Grief and Loss
Notes From an Amateur Writer #5 - Music as a Catalyst for Imagination: Jimi Hendrix's Little Wing
Notes From an Amateur Writer #6 - The Stories All Around Us

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I Have No Name and I Must Scream
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