Today is Tax Day in the U.S.
Kind of a high-stress, no fun day.
But Tay'Tran and Havana Bananamon, who have been banished to the back yard while their mom works on her taxes, have decided to lighten things up a bit for all of us.
Tay'Tran loves to tell jokes, and he's got a special one for Tax Day.
And Havana has been composing a Haiku poem for the occasion.

Did you hear about the cannibal Tax Accountant?
He charges an arm and a leg.

And now for Havana's Haiku:

Tip-toe. "Quiet down!"
"No." "Not now." "Go play outside."
Tax Day really sucks.

Where did you learn that word?! That is an inappropriate word!

Yeah, Havana. You're not supposed to say, "sucks."

Alright, that's IT! Jammies on NOW and you two go to bed.
You know I love you both, but the IRS is gettin' on my last nerve,
which means I don't have any nerves left for the two of you.

Stoopid IRS.

But tomorrow morning, I'll take you for breakfast.

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Tay'Tran's joke source