P.O. Tassium is our beleagured, overworked publisher of the Banana Memos. He's also the conflict resolution specialist when bananas are having trouble getting along, and he's the fact checker on staff. Not that most of the Bunch care about facts; we just tell it like we see it. "Tassium," as we call him, keeps us all in line.

Caught your attention with that provocative lead photo, didn't I? :-)
In my spare time -- which, believe me, with this crazy bunch, I have very little of -- I like to see what kind of banana-related products are on the market.
Today we'll be looking at banana carriers.

Um, where was I?
Oh yeah. Banana carriers. I can verify one hundred percent -- or maybe even more -- that's it's definitely A Thing.

Yes. Well. Thank you, Roxana.
Back to what I was saying. There are issues with trying to transport bananas in a lunchbox or briefcase or purse, and there are also solutions to those problems. I've combed the internet and found some rather interesting products to keep your bananas safe and un-squished.

From the product description:
Yes, we're quite aware of what the Banana Bunker looks like. But it works! And let's face it, the alternative to a slightly bizarre-looking banana protector is smooshed banana all over your purse or lunch bag. And that's just gross.

Let us know which you think is the best one!
Tassium, over and out.
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Madame Zanana's gypsy fortune-telling contest
Lana Peelings tries writing a steamy novel
Storytime with GramNana
A fun Bunch to hang around with: The Banana Collective
Picture sources:
Banana Guard
Banana Box
Banana Saver
Banana Bunker