She's ba-aa-ack! The world's first gypsy fortune-telling banana (as far as we know) is back for more fun! Grab your cup of tea or mug of coffee -- it's time to meet in Madame Zanana's tent for another fortune-telling, Steem Basic Income contest. (The winners of last week's contest are listed at the bottom.)

Madame Zanana, the all-seeing and all-knowing banana, will read your fortune in the tea leaves or coffee sediment left in your cup. She'll tell you something profound about your future, or just make a joke about your coffee grounds. One never knows with Madame Z!
This is a fun and easy contest to win 1 share of Steem Basic Income...
and there will be 2 winners.
A share of SBI translates to regular upvotes on your postings, probably forever, from @steembasicincome. And the Banana Collective will pay for 2 Steemians to get one SBI share each. (If you'd like more info on what SBI is all about, here's their FAQ post.)
Take a look at past contests to see how it works. Read through the comments that Madame Zanana made on others' sediment... that's part of the fun!
Contest #1
Contest #2
Contest #3
Ready with your coffee mugs and teas cups? Here's what you do:
- Drink your cup of tea or coffee.
- Take a photo of the stuff (coffee sediment or tea leaves) left in the bottom of the cup. (Note: With the super-efficient coffee pods and tea bags these days, there is often no stuff left in the bottom of the cup. You may have to actually add some in to the last tablespoon of liquid, swirl it around, then drink or pour off the liquid and take a picture of what's left. Twenty-first century problem.)
- Drop the picture in the comments below this post. Nothing fancy or artsy required, just a shot of the gunk at the bottom of the cup, clear enough for Madame Zanana to see your future.
- Madame Zanana will leave a reply, reading your fortune and assigning you a number.
- At the end of the contest, all numbers will go in a bowl and Madame Zanana will pull two lucky people to receive a share of Steem Basic Income.
- That's it. You don't have to upvote, follow or re-steem (unless you want to). Just drop a photo in the comments, and you're entered! Though we appreciate you spreading the news with your friends and followers that Madame Z is in SteemitTown!
Contest ends Monday, June 18th, 2018 @ 4:00pm Eastern Time (U.S.), 1:00pm Pacific Time (U.S.), 20:00 UTC
If you need a smile during the week of the contest, stop back often to see what Madame Zanana is telling others.
We in the Banana Collective encourage community participation and group silliness.
The contestants for Week #3, which ended on 6-13-18 were:
# | Name |
1 | @redheadpei |
2 | @mariannewest |
3 | @paradigm42 |
4 | @evlachsblog |
5 | @dynamicshine |
6 | @fun2learn |
7 | @stav-cohen |
8 | @stbathans |
9 | @pinkwonder |
10 | @cicisaja |
11 | @innerstellar |
12 | @emergehealthier |
and the 2 winners of 1 share of Steem Basic Income each are:
#4@evlachsblog and #6@fun2learn
Congratulations to the two recipients of sbi. It should show up in your account within a few days. Here's the spreadsheet where the folks at steembasicincome track everyone's shares
Thanks to all who visited Madame Zanana's past contests; everyone is welcome to participate again!
@vonaurolacu @owenwat @harktheshark @cicisaja @electricswine @tspink @phillyc @redheadpei @kimberlylane @emergehealthier @donna-metcalfe @paradigm42 @jadams2k18 @mariannewest @evlachsblog @dynamicshine @fun2learn @stav-cohen @stbathans @pinkwonder @innerstellar (Reminder to @lynncoyle1, @simplymike, @insideoutlet ~ let's see those cups!)
Note: If anyone would like your name removed from this list, please comment below. It's All Good.
And thanks to @thedarkhorse for formatting help. We love the supportive, helpful contingent here on Steemit!

If you enjoy Madame Zanana's shenanigans, please consider re-steeming to introduce her to more people. Thanks a bunch!

After playing the contest, why not visit some of the other members of the Banana Collective to see what they've got to say:
Proof that we're all connected ~ 6 degrees of Banana-ation
P.O.Tassium on Protecting your banana
Sweet little Havana Bananamon and her latest Haiku