In this interconnected world, it is our premise that everything can be connected back to that Fruit of the Gods,
~~~ Bananas ~~~
in just 6 connecting steps, or less.
Similar to that silly game that went around several years ago, The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, where people tried to prove that anyone on the planet could be connected back to Kevin Bacon within 6 steps.
But unlike that nonsensical internet game (I mean, who really cares if you're connected to Mr. Bacon?), our premise has real-life implications. Here are some examples:
Pasta ~ served with Italian bread ~ banana bread ~ BANANASCats
Cats ~ Caturday on Steemit ~ Banana Memos on Steemit ~ BANANASThe Olympics
Olympics ~ Swimming competition ~ Our post on a banana swimming in beer ~ BANANASThe Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower (more narrow at one end than the other ~ BANANAS (same shape dynamics)Kevin Bacon
Named after a food ~ bananas are a food ~ BANANASToenail clippers
Toenail clippers ~ toenails laying on the floor in a crescent shape ~ fruit in a crescent shape ~ BANANAS
See what we mean?! EVERYTHING can be connected back to bananas in just 6 steps or less. Go ahead and test it out for yourself... drop an example of something in a comment, and the Banana Collective will prove to you that everything in this world (and beyond) is connected to BANANAS!

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the Banana Collective. Thanks a bunch!
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We take the worries out of protecting your banana
Who doesn't like a summertime Haiku? Especially when it's by an 8-year-old banana poet
Just who are the Banana Collective, and why are they writing memos?