How many posts per day do you write? challenge30days Day Fifteen

How many steemit posts per day_ dragosroua challenge fitinfun 15.jpg

I write two to four posts a day on Steemit. I average three consistently but some days have more and others less. This is 21 posts a week – most weeks, and that is how I keep track of my posts – not by day.

And how do I track my posts per week? I use my beloved by @dragosroua of course! I love this program and have it open all day - every day. My love of is the reason that @dragosroua has my witness vote.

Why Do I post 21 posts per week?

Two Reasons: To get my message out and to maximize rewards.

To get my message out

When I first got here in June 2017, I posted big long informational posts a few times a week. It took days to make a post sometimes. I got very little rewards for this. At the time, I was commenting 30-50 times a day and making way more rewards and connections from that.

It was hard work and discouraging. All kinds of health and weight loss information was being produced and then dying!

Now in May 2018, I get eyeballs, comments and upvotes. Go me. It would not have happened with those horrible long posts. Now people tell me they are happy with my short posts and I still do longer ones like this one a few times a week at least. Now those longer posts get attention since the people have already read other, shorter posts by me on the same topic. They are ready to hear what I have to say next.

I post in Series Posts as well as into contests. I sprouted mung beans over the course of about 8 posts and people liked it and tried sprouting themselves. That was very cool to have happen in my blogging life.

I could have posted one big post for that five day event. But posting short posts into all kinds of contests helped the visibility. I posted mung beans to these tags over a three week period:

Each of those posts referred to the series and spoke to different people. One big long post would not have done so well.

Posting 21 times a week maximizes rewards.

I think more than that is too much in almost every case. I have people who autovote me and I want to be respectful of their power. And many people only vote 2-3 times a day for your posts, so then you lose out with more posting anyway.

Many people can post less and do well here. I follow and upvote people who only post a very times a week in a few cases. But most of us need to be here grinding out the content to succeed. You will not know what works until you try it and you need to try a lot of things here. The complexity is enormous and without a lot of posting and interacting - it is hard to learn.

  • Short posts
  • Into contests
  • This is the way to go at least once a day for a month and then see what you've got.

I wish I would have started sooner.

By October 2017 I was very close to leaving steemit. I was thinking about going back to writing courses and books instead. I have many projects of both types on hold and half finished.

A good steemit moment

Then in November after the big Portugal meet-up, @jerrybanfield had the idea of giving small upvotes to minnows who posted up to 5 posts a day. You got on his whitelist and his bot would upvote you. I already knew that a lot of my problems here were because I

  • was not posting enough
  • posting too large for people to care about.

So I decided to try some “speed-posting” to see if that would be better. After all, I could count on Jerry’s vote, so it seemed to be a good idea. Remember that this is also when the STEEM/SBD price was heating up so I felt like I needed to try harder to succeed.

I am so glad for making this choice when I did!

Everything got better for me on steemit by averaging 3 posts a day instead of 3 per week

  • bigger rewards
  • more consistent rewards I can forcast
  • more connections
  • more visibility
  • improved posting ability
  • better speed in posting
  • I think better quality posts!

In mid-November, based on the Jerry plan, I ramped up to 3-4 posts a day – never five - and it was a busy month anyway! I learned a lot of skills and to say the words:




over and over again.

In January 2018, Jerry stopped his upvoting deal, but by that time I had made other friends and learned new skills to get attention to my posts.

I have to work hard to keep up with those 21 posts a week and keep things interesting over here. The vast majority of what I do is posted into challenges and contests, so I have deadlines pretty much daily. I do photo challenges since I am a photographer and writing challenges since I am a writer. Always it's really about the weight loss in every post.

I have many posts in the pipeline for many challenges – always keeping in mind that my people are here – those who are obese and wanting to change like I did. Steemit is a great place for reaching those people and this is why I am here at all.

More of my posts for this cool series

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You can enter this challenge too!

Go to the opening post for the #challenge30days challenge and jump on in!

fitinfun You can do it if I did! sharon before and after.jpg

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