What’s your most consistent hobby? @dragosroua challenge30days Day Eight

My Most Consistent Hobby dragosroua challenge fitinfun  day 8.jpg

My most consistent hobby since 2007 has been exercising for 10 minutes every day no matter what.

I exercise 10 minutes per day.
Every day.
No matter what.

I’ve only missed very few days in all that time. I started this in October 2007 through a challenge on SparkPeople and had a rocky start in the first year, but since then, I have been faithful to the plan.

Most days, I have much more exercise than 10 minutes. But no day has less than ten minutes unless I am unconscious or really sick.

Even then...

I exercise by stretching in bed when I am in intensive care.

Stretching in bed is one of the best exercises you can do while obese since you can actually do it. It was the only thing I could do what I started to get healthy. - I was that sick and obese. Stretching in bed worked for me and has for others too. I read about it in my group from chronic pain.

  1. Exercise.
  2. Feel better.

Who knew!

I still exercise in bed daily to get the kinks out and to find out if anything hurts or feels better that day. Balance and strength aren't always there for me and the bed holds me nicely. I also use stretching to relex before I sleep and it helps me very much.

Here are some other examples of my exercise:

  • I do lunges in my slow Bangkok Thailand elevator. That is quite a few lunges each week. More than 100. I can lunge good now!
  • I do breathing exercises many times per week. These are not easy for me, but help a lot.
  • I dance to you tube videos often – sometimes daily – depending on mood.
  • I do actual workout videos from the internet
  • I count pretty much everything with movement as exercise to encourage myself.

I work out like this in less than 15 minute segments – usually less than 5 minutes – many, many times a week.

I have a lot of physical limitations. So my exercise is all very easy compared to most people. It doesn’t matter. Exercise within my limits helps me do better in every way so that is why I do it.

Here are lots of links to easy exercise ideas. You can do all of them if I can.

Exercise Article Summary

Everything I have on exercise at my fitinfun.com website.

Easy Exercise DVD Reviews for Pain and Obesity

I gathered up all the videos I have in my house and actually tried them!

fitinfun stretching playlist on You Tube

Me stretching and showing you how

My Favorite of all exercise

I was always a swimmer my whole life and swimming is my passion. This is me swimming filmed and edited by @bxlphabet a few years ago.

I have five of those videos on my You Tube Channel. The one above is the most popular of them. When I swim, I swim underwater so I don’t hurt my hands and feet. And I like swimming that way now anyway.

All about my swimming adventures

But I need a clean close pool, so I have not been swimming.

I'm glad my hobby is exercising now

When I was obese I thought exercise really did not matter and would not help. It was only after I did it consistently for a long time that it became a passionate need. I'm glad I like it, because I'm pretty sure it saves my life.

You can enter this challenge too!

Go to the opening post for the @dragosroua #challenge30days challenge.

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fitinfun How often do you have to exercise sharon2.jpg

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