Loving Parents Despair - Video interview with Jill and Harold who had their two children stolen by the state. Part 3

This is the third and last part of the video interview with Jill and Harold whose two children were kidnapped by the state and put up for adoption even before the final hearing. It provides a dark glimpse into the deceit and lies of the Social Services and the judiciary to remove children from their loving parents.


If you missed the first two parts, you can read part 1 here and part 2 here.

In the third and final part of this video interview Jill and Harold discuss:

  • How social workers are forced to falsify documents in order to get a child
  • That their computer was hacked and files were deleted
  • That the barrister tried to bribe them to agree to the judges decision and to the adoption of their children

What follows is not a transcript of the video but a general outline of their story as told by the parents.

Most of the Social Workers are corrupt unfortunately. And the ones that aren’t corrupt are being told to lie on document or to change the document or otherwise they’ll be fired. They have families to look after, they have mortgages to pay so they get scared. These social workers do what they have been told.

They change the documents to make the parents look bad and to make sure they get the children. They heard from a whistleblower, an ex-social worker, that the social workers are told to change the documents when the reports are too positive. The terminology used was to sex it up. Make the parents look bad so that they would win the case.

They also broke into the computer of Harold and Jill and deleted files. Another dirty trick they played was to intercept a complaint about a social worker, who was dealing with the case, and presented that in court. The official complaint made about that social worker was discarded by her team leader, saying that there was nothing wrong. Therefore condoning the lies.

They made the parents feel that the more open, honest and cooperative they would be, the more the SS can help you and that it would be better for the parents in court. But what the SS does is to simply turn things around. It uses the information given against the parents. They asked questions like how old Jill was when she lost her virginity. Something that has nothing to do with being a good parent.

They called Jill materialistic. Because Jill didn’t want to divorce from her husband and move out of her house. Leaving everything behind and moving into some grotty little hostel on the other side where she lived. They said that Jill was more interested in her car and her belongings than her children.

The SS said that Jill was naive and that she was minimising everything. Jills response was that if she was minimising everything than the SS must be maximising everything because you’re blowing everything out of proportion. The SS claimed that the parents house was a volatile house on a daily basis. Which could not be further from the truth.

In April 2012, Jill found out that she was pregnant. When the parents told the SS that she was pregnant, Jill was told they would take the baby at birth. They would actually be in the delivery room and take the baby the moment it was born. So the parents had to make the heartbreaking decision to terminate the pregnancy.

When the SS and the secret family courts are deciding over the future of a child, it would be only fair if there was a jury. That the parents at least have a chance. Murderers get a jury and a chance to appeal. But not as a parent whose child has been kidnapped into care. As a parent there’s no chance to appeal. The judges are so specific with the case and make sure that they haven’t done anything legally wrong with the proceedings.

Jill and Harold had separate solicitors and barristers throughout the case. The barristers took them aside and said if they would agree to the adoption that the judge would put in nice things in the judgement. That the parents loved their children and did fight for them but that they realised that it would be in the best interest for the children if the case was settled, stuff like that. When Jill and Harold refused, that they would be fighting for their children and not giving them up for adoption, they were told that the judge would put something else in the judgement instead.

The judge actually said that Jill 'swims and sinks' with the father. That Jill chose her husband over her children. Which is so far from the truth, it’s unbelievable. Jill gave the judge the option that her husband would move out and the children would stay with her under a supervision order. That means that the SS can come in and out of their lives whenever they feel like it. But they were not willing to do that. Now their children have to read the judgement saying that Jill chose her husband over their children.

We need more parents that stand up and fight for their children. There are too many parents out there that give in to the SS and go along with what they’ve been told. They go along with the system and don’t fight for their children or are not capable to fight for their children. They don’t know where to go for help and what to do. If more parents would fight for their children we might be getting somewhere. We must stick together.

And if your children do get adopted, at least you can look them in the eye later on in life and say that mom and dad did everything that they could. It’s important to keep every bit of evidence. That at least you can show your children how you tried and how you fought to keep them. This is everything we’ve done, this all the evidence that we produced and gave to SS, it’s them that lied. Then you can keep your head up high and look your children in the eye and say we did everything we could to bring you home.

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  • The children of Jill and Harold were taken by the SS on false allegations of drug and alcohol misuse.
  • The parents were told to be honest, open and cooperative because that would help them in court. But everything that they said was turned around and used against them.
  • Social services changed and falsified documents and lied under oath.
  • The parents were bribed to agree to the adoption by their own barristers.
  • The judge lied in her final judgement: Jill supposedly chose for her husband instead for her children


When the dreadful knock on the door from SS arrives; Don't Talk, Don't Cooperate, Don't let them in your house, Don't show them your children and Never let them talk to your children. They will use everything against you.

If they don't show up with the police and a warrant you're not obliged to do any of those things. Remember they are the enemy, don't fall for their tricks. The SS is (almost) pure evil.

What you must do is the following:

  • Tell them calmly and politely that you've been advised not to talk to them.
  • Start recording them and tell them that you're doing so.
  • If possible call friends, family and neighbours and invite them over. Strong social support might stop their actions.
  • Ask who you're dealing with. Demand to see some identification.
  • Find out what the allegations are. They are required by law to tell you.
  • Find out what their authority is in this situation. Do they have a court order, or only a court summons, or are they acting on emergency powers.
  • If they hand you any legal documentation, make photocopies it might be the last time you'll see those documents.

I'm definitely not an expert. A more detailed explanation can be found on the following websites:


I would like to thank @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut, who run @familyprotection for the great work they do to make this community unstoppable. It's my hope that FP will become one of the biggest, strongest and most supportive communities on Steemit. Thank you for this great initiative.

Much love,



Ps. 50% percent of the liquid earnings from this post will be donated to @familyprotection.

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