IBD Awareness Month
Interview with Bag Lady Mumma - AKA Krystal Miller

With Crohns and Colitis Awareness month coming to an end, instead of sharing my story with you all again, I was lucky enough to get some time with one of the strongest kick arse people and bloggers I know, Krystal Miller, A.K.A Bag Lady Mama.
Like all of us she has had trying and triumph times and I am honoured to count her among my friends and fellow survivors. I just love her way with words, jest for life and willing to break all the rules. Not to mention her awesome images and fun family.
So without further ado…
You were diagnosed with Crohns at the age of 15? What symptoms did you have?
I lost 10kgs in 2 weeks and was unable to eat. That was the first trigger for me and then it became more; vomiting, diarrhoea and sleeping 22hrs a day. I just couldn’t function. I remember brushing my teeth would make me vomit.

Going from healthy to sick fast is a huge shock to the system that lands you in bed for days. Then the meds they give you keep you awake for days.
Did you know you were going to get an ostomy bag from the start? If not when did you find out and how did you react?
I knew deep down I’d always have a bag. My aunty had UC so I knew what they were but the family had always put a very negative spin on it. I’d also been told by my doctors as soon as I was diagnosed that my disease was so bad it wasn’t ever going to be an ‘If’ but more a when…

I wasn’t shocked though when the time came because I was at the point of just get the fucking disease out of me!!!! I’d do anything but life as I was.
I was not as happy to become an ostomate but I now take it in my stride thanks to women like Krystal.
How has your Crohns been post ileostomy? Do you still take any medication?
Post-surgery I was amazing. I had no reoccurrence and I didn’t take any medication for 5 years without issue. However, when I fell pregnant with our son Lukas, my Crohns came back but I was symptomless. I didn’t believe it was back because I didn’t feel “Crohns sick”.

So many pills we shake when we walk, I take a similar amount daily even now I am healthy.
I was on Azathioprine as preventative while pregnant with our daughter Arabella but also went off of it when she was a newborn. I did my research thoroughly and there was nothing detectable in my milk or would reach her so I made the decision to ensure my health during my pregnancy.
How has life been post ostomy?
I have a life now. I did not have a life before while I was sick. While I was sick for 8 years I did not have any moments of remission so you can imagine how damaged both mentally and physically I was. I've been so lucky to experience life to the fullest since surgery!

That doesn’t mean though that I haven’t experienced some pretty shitty times! There have been times where I wished that I didn’t have to have a bag - but that’s not on the bag; that’s on the disease itself.
Yes, there are shitty times for sure but all in all life is pretty awesome and I am grateful to be alive daily.
What gave birth to your no bar’s hold blog Bag Lady Mama?
Being pregnant with Arabella was a very emotionally empowering time. I was in complete control and my medical team was completely on my side and empowering me along the way. There were a few ignorant people along the way but that only further motivated me to change their perceptions and educate them!

Both of Krystal's children are adorable and cherished not only by her but by anyone who gets to know them.
What keeps you blogging on a regular basis? How do you motivate yourself?
Helping others feel not so alone is what keeps me going. Its not always easy to find the motivation when I am just as sick too some days but I feel like this is my calling. The problem I find is my best stuff comes to me while I’m in the shower and I never am able to write it down! haha

I am in awe of all you do, you don't only blog for yourself but other websites as well. Side note what is it about having the best ideas when you can't get them down. Who else has this issue?
Has your life changed since going viral?
Nothing has changed at all. I’m still a mama, still working, still having the same issues I had before - I do find it funny when people on the streets recognise me!

I loved this image so much I had to share it, this is that real life is like.
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
GLOBAL DOMINATION! Haha. I hope it takes me all the way to Parliament and all over the TVs - not for me but for changing the language they use when describing Ostomies.

I have no doubt you will get your wish and will be behind you the whole way!
Do you have any other Crohns or colitis suffers we should be checking out this month?
Gutless & Wonderful is trekking through Spain to raise money for Crohn's and Colitis Australia! Definitely follow her and support her on her journey.

She actually just finished, this her at the just after she completed the trek.
Any other advice you would like to share with the readers?
My focus isn’t limited to Bowel Diseases, I want to reach those who have an ostomy for so many other reasons. For those with IBD I hope so much that seeing all of these amazing bloggers and patient advocates, they can see that life doesn’t have to end with having an ostomy. That life can actually just start by having surgery.

So many amazing advocates in one place!
I hope that my readers can get something out of my journey and if not from me from the many other amazing advocates!
I hope that my journey is open, raw and there for them to see both the good, bad and ugly but that it’s really - real life.

How would my readers find and follow you?
On Facebook or Instagram - @BagLadyMama
I'm still to get her on Steemit but I am working on her!
See I told you she was awesome! Ostomates worldwide are lucky to have such strong people advocating for those suffering while suffering themselves. Anyone that has knows me knows I am an IBD suffer and I like Krystal like to show real life as it can be post-ostomy surgery. As always thanks for reading and wherever in the world you are I hope you are having a great day!
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All images my own or directly sourced at the image. Please note that permission has been give by Krystal Miller to share all images featured here.