Hello Hive family, I am glad to participate in this contest because it is very helpful for all of us and thanks to @NaturalMedicine that gives us the opportunity, this is a topic that I really like a lot because I had an experience and at first it was difficult but I overcame it thanks to God.

The Pineapple, Cucumber and Celery juice helps us to purify our body, cleanse the liver, produce liquids and thanks to all its properties get a weight loss to prepare the body for a dietary change. We must not forget the contribution of vitamins significantly improving the appearance of our skin.

3 Rodajas De Piña Verde.
1/2 Pepino.
2 Tallos De Apio.
1/2 Vaso de Agua.
3 Green Pineapple Slices.
1/2 Cucumber.
2 celery stalks.
1/2 Glass of water.
Mi experiencia para decidir comenzar a tomar este depurativo fue porque me estaban saliendo unas manchas en la piel, ya estaba con trauma y cada día crecían mas, decidí ir al Dermatólogo, me dijo que lo primero que tenia que hacer era Depurar mi cuerpo para el poder recetarme el medicamento. Gracias a Dios cumplí con sus recomendaciones y hable con una amiga y ella me recomendó la receta y sin pensarlo la puse en practica. Al principio fue un poco amargoso pero luego me acostumbre y la hallaba muy deliciosa la tome por 15 días (ojo este depurativo se toma en ayuno) gracias a que cumplí con los días de toma fue que decidí regresar al medico y allí me mando el tratamiento y ahorita gracias a Dios las Manchas desaparecieron.
My experience to decide to start taking this depurative was because I was getting some spots on my skin, I was already with trauma and every day they were growing more, I decided to go to the Dermatologist, he told me that the first thing I had to do was to purify my body to be able to prescribe the medicine. Thank God I complied with his recommendations and I talked to a friend and she recommended me the prescription and without thinking I put it into practice. At first it was a little bitter but then I got used to it and I found it very delicious and I took it for 15 days (this depurative is taken while fasting) thanks to the fact that I complied with the days of taking it, I decided to return to the doctor and there he sent me the treatment and now thanks to God the spots are gone.

Ahora les cuento como preparar esta deliciosa bebida muy fácil y son pocos los ingredientes. Limpiamos los ingredientes, pelamos la Piña y tomamos 3 rodajas. agarramos el Pepino (ojo el medio Pepino en concha) y lavamos los dos Tallos de Apio lo llevamos a la licuar por varios minutos y listo nuestro batido esta preparado y listo para tomar.
Now I will tell you how to prepare this delicious drink, it is very easy and the ingredients are few.
We clean the ingredients, peel the Pineapple and take 3 slices. We take the Cucumber (eye the half Cucumber in shell) and wash the two Celery Stalks we take it to the blender for several minutes and ready our smoothie is prepared and ready to drink.

Foto tomada desde mi telefono Motorola Moto G5 y editada desde canva
Esto fue una experiencia que me enseño a cuidar mi cuerpo, y a darle mucha mas importancia a estos depurativos, mis amigos de Hive Blog, no es difícil y hay que esforzarnos a mantenernos sanos y saludables, por favor les recomiendo que la prueben quedaran encantados con los resultados.
Quiero invitar a @elisaday7 @deivis75 @alejandra12 a participar en este maravilloso concurso, se los recomiendo.
This was an experience that taught me to take care of my body, and to give much more importance to these cleansing products, my friends of Hive Blog, it is not difficult and we must strive to stay healthy and healthy, please I recommend you to try it, you will be delighted with the results.
I want to invite @elisaday7 @deivis75 @alejandra12 to participate in this wonderful contest, I recommend it.