Approaching The BIG SIX || #APART : A Picture and A Reggae Tune

Greetings Family,

What a gwaan🇯🇲 ?
It’s that time again to self evaluate as I approach the end of my sixth month pan di blockchain.
Highlights for the period ended June 25th ,2021

IndicatorPrevious ReportCurrent ReportComment
ReggaeJahm Tokens35,71644,261+24% Guess What? Yes. I’m approaching 50,000 Jahm Tokens. I continue to get great support from @justinparke, @dmilliz, @missaj, @shanibeer, @rarej, @tanjakolader et al at my home base community ReggaeJAHM. Most of my tokens in this community are staked.I’m hoping to hit 50K tokens by my next report. Hopefully one day the value of these tokens will go through the roof.
Engage Tokens6021049With a 74% increase over the previous report, I can start giving these away to community members for their engagement efforts. I’ve been making an effort to be more communicative too. I hope to continue along this path.
Hive Power380440+15% I’m was trying to reach around 530HP by July 5th.However, with my current average rate falling within the last month due to a reduction in my online activity I think I’ll have to adjust my target a bit. I still have a delegation of 500HP from @dmilliz.Big up yuself @dmilliz.
Upvoted3,1414,133I made 106 posts in the last 6 months (approx 18/mth). I started by posting over 20 posts per month but this has fallen in the last two months.
Reputation60.0360.45I’m still in the 60 reputation zone. As you may know, increasing reputation gets harder as you go up so I’ll be taking my time to slowly grow my account which will eventually lead to an increase in reputation.
EDS24+100ï¼… I received two more EDS token for my involvement in the Saturday Savers Club run by @eddie-earner @susie-saver. Each EDS token pays out .004 Hive every Monday.Thank you for your support and generosity.
SPI11The SPI token was also from participation in the Saturday Savers Club. What a great group to keep me accountable and increase my engagement on peakd.
🧠 Tokens1753.17+212% I received a few tokens from proofofbrain. Since then I’ve joined the community and made a few posts like this one (i)@bearmol/rubiks-cube-challenge-update. The token seems to be very valuable so now I try to use the tag as often as I can.
Leo Tokens2.24.32+96% I’ve been trying to read posts in this community and vote on them when I can. I hope to make a greater effort to post in the Leofinance community even though I’m a bit intimidated by large communities.

In case you missed it, here is a link to my top 10 posts to date.

Have any great advice on how to improve my online presence? Please let me know in the comments below.

#APART: A Picture and A Reggae Tune

Dandelion growing along the sidewalk.

Here is a tune where the artiste, Samuel Medas, claims that he is Royalty purely on the basis of who his father is. What a great way to lift yourself up when others or your circumstances put you down. Such a confidence booster.
I hope it lifts your spirit.

Guard your mental health. Stay connected, stay healthy.
Thanks for your supportive comments.

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