Before I talk about the latest iteration of my Five for #HivePUD intiative (aka, my second go ', I have to say, WOW! There are so many exciting things happening in our little Hive crypto world right now! Stuff like...
- #HiveChat trended on Twitter a few days ago, thanks in large part to Spanish host @victoriabsb's test run on Tuesday in addition to the weekly Hive Chat (with @artemislives hosting that particular day), which prompted an article on CoinTelegraphES called, Comunidad Hive español logra ser tendencia en Twitter Venezuela (click HERE to read the English translation through Google).
- @hiveio just released a monster sized (in a good way) post announcing the upcoming hard fork with all kinds of excellent information.
- And a little buzzing bee told me that @hivebuzz has some exciting news to share on the 25th about the Hive Power Up Day Badge (be sure to follow their account so you don't miss the announcement). Which reminds me - thanks again @jeanlucsr for putting the idea in front of @arcange, @lizanomadsoul & the amazing HiveBuzz team. The badge is getting @streetstyle's Power Up Day imitative so much awesome attention now, and I think everyone's going to love what's happening next!
Also, Hive continues to make waves on Twitter, thanks in large part to the aforementioned #HiveChat (brainchild of the also aforementioned @jeanlucsr and managed brilliantly by not yet mentioned @stellabelle aka @hivetrending), the tireless tweeting of @nathanmars, and @hiro-hive's @hive-data Daily Twitter Reports, as well as the awesomely uplifting Twittering by @artemislives' @hivelift efforts.
Of course with lots of waves, you also get some choppy waters, so there's been a bit of a learning curve as far as getting eyes on our crypto home in the Twitterverse. Luckily lots of people are stepping up with posts & videos, like -
How To Use Twitter: A Guide For Hivers by @stellabelle
What are the best tags to use on twitter to promote Hive? by @revisesociology
#HiveChat - A Simple How-To for First Timers by @hivelift
What does all this have to do with my Five for HivePUD initiative?
Yeah, I'm eventually getting to the!
When I kicked off things off last month, I thought having almost the entire month to create one post & four tweets would help generate lots of entries. But as I said in the HivePUD Winners Announcement post, I only ended up with 4 entries from 2 people...

So for the September 1st Power Up Day, I'm doing things a little bit different than last month, and changing my focus to just tweets for now, in the hopes that streamlining the process will generate more interest, as well as getting more "good" tweets going out into the Twitterverse.
How to Enter
There are still 5 opportunities to earn entries into the drawings (hence the Five for #HivePUD 😊), but now it's all about tweets, so...
For a total of 5 possible entries!
2 basic requirements
- Entries/tweets that meet the criteria must be completed between the 23rd & the 30th of each month
- Links to your tweets must be dropped in the comment section below
Criteria for the Tweets
- must contain the #Hive and #HivePUD hash tags
- must contain 2 additional non-Hive specific hash tags (see this list by @revisesociology for suggestions)
- must be in the form of a sentence or two (so not just tags strung together)
- must drop link to tweet in this post's comment section for entry to be verified
Adding an image, short video, or gif is not required, but recommended to increase visablity. Stella & I have begun filling the official Hive Giphy account with HiveChat gifs, and will be adding more in the coming days. In the meantime, I have tons of ones I've created in my personal account - you're welcome to browse both and use whatever tickles your fancy.
Official -
Mine -
Here's an example tweet (and yes, it's missing the 2 non-Hive hash tags, but since I was directing this to the Hive community, I didn't think to add them... that's my story & I'm sticking to I just sent out from the @hiveblogshare Twitter account -
- HiveBlogShare
At the moment, the prizes are -
100 Hive Power 4 Week Delegation - Sponsor @traciyork
100 Hive Power 4 Week Delegation - Sponsor @traciyork
100 Hive Power 4 Week Delegation - Sponsor @traciyork
100 Hive Power 4 Week Delegation - Sponsor @traciyork
100 Hive Power 4 Week Delegation - Sponsor @traciyork
I'll announce the 5 winners (more if other people donate prizes) as part of the Official Winners List For Hive Power Up Day that comes out on the 5th of each month. If you're interested in sponsoring a prize, please shout out and I'll add you to the list.
Speaking of delegations, thank you Dan!
One last thing - yesterday as I rewrote this post for the umpteenth time since August 5th (when I first decided it needed some tweaking), I noticed a very cool @ginabot notification - thanks so much for the delegation, @theycallmedan! Your support is wicked appreciated.
That's it for now! Feel free to shout out with questions about Five for #HivePUD and see you on Twitter!

Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.
Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.
Speaking of witch which...
I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few...
- Smoke Blog ~ Traci York
- Hive Blog ~ Traci York
- WordPress Blog ~ Traci York
- Facebook ~ Traci Cavanaugh York
- Facebook Page ~ Traci York, Writer
- Instagram ~ traciyork_aka_internetg33k
- Pinterest ~ Traci York, Writer
- Twitter ~ @TraciYorkWriter
- My Weku Blog ~ Traci York
- YouTube ~ InternetGeek
- Ello ~ @traciyork