Welcome to the second edition of the Magickal Discord Server List. I find myself republishing this already because I have quite a few more servers that should be included and other links and articles that need updating.
After extensive research by both @InquiringTimes and myself, clicking on links to verify that each one is active and gathering information, we have compiled the following list.
Shortly we also hope to create an international server list with links to servers used primarily by users who chat in languages other than English. Please DM me if anyone knows of an international language community server!!
Anyone who is active on a Discord Server that is not mentioned below, and wants to be included on this list, please contact me via direct message or reply below and I will edit you in. I hope to update this list once a month to keep it current!!

intro: crypto-currencies, projects, trading crypto currencies, open value networks, etc
@adsactly - The Power of Community
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/Psm9dAc
intro: brand new server promoting alternative technology and lifestyles, intentional living, ecology, sustainability, ingenuity, global travelers, tribalism and subcultures
invite: https://discord.gg/xqYfTDh
intro: creating community with optimism, sharing passions and connecting
@whatamidoing - On Being Awesome
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/BzJXrcQ
intro: a group that solves issues with and monitors the Bellyrub upvote bot
@zeartful - Please Welcome @bellyrub
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/Tmp9Mxt
Build a Whale
intro: support group for the build-a-whale bot
@buildawhale - Build a Whale Steemit
intro: https://discordapp.com/invite/JSR9aSy
Calibrae Team Chat
intro: startup group who wants to develop a competing platform to steemit
website: https://gitlab.com/clbr/clbr/wikis/home
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/nqXzUvp
intro: this is all about cats. and cat photos, memes, and other cat...things
invite: https://discord.gg/ZHX3pEn
intro: a curation team under @dropahead, a witness who publishes curie
@dropahead - Dropahead Curation Trail
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/kgrZDR8
intro: MSP/ Peace Abundance Liberty (see below) group that monitors flagging abuse
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/de28puf
From the Ground Up
intro: cryptocurrency and steemit money talk
@ftgu - From the Ground Up
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/tEtSJQ9
Looking for Niche Minnows Accelerator Project Minnowbooster MinnowsUnite MSP Probation Novalord Industries (steempocaplypse) Peace Abundance Liberty Peerity Smoke Network Spotlight Steem-Art Steem BnB SteemCleaners Steem Deep Think Steem Devs SteemLab/Steemgigs SteemitBC Steemit Local Music Society Steemit Ramble Steemit Talk Radio SteemMagick Steemspeak Steemtrail Steemvenue Tatsumaki's Lounge Truth Network TypicalBot Lounge Unmentionables Voiceshares/VoS Whaleshares
intro: a group that will help you set up, search for tools and information, and expand a community of people who share the same interest
@rawbinhutt- Looking for a Niche
invite: https://discord.gg/9sN827T
intro: a private server that runs an initiative to help minnows.
MAP project - You must sign up (see below link) to enter the room.
@accelerator - Minnow Accelerator Project
intro: delegated SP leasing, upvote bot, managing and growing wallet
web: https://www.minnowbooster.net/
@minnowbooster - Introducing Minnowbooster
invite: https://discord.gg/paeRK2F
intro: minnow community to answer questions, help with upvotes
@alchemage - MinnowsUnite Discord Server
invite: https://discord.gg/cdb5u25
intro: a server for people who are no longer allowed into the MSP server due to disciplinary action
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/Sx5RfvK
intro: creative community; all things steem-pocalypse, blackcat brigade
@novaatebatman - What-Novalord Industries Is...
invite: https://discord.gg/yrUYdcD
intro: Minnow Support Project server; this group has numerous projects and the most active members. Official Steemit Discord New Member group
website: http://minnowsupportproject.org/
@juliakponsford -Minnows Newbies come join us
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/HYj4yvw
intro: Discord aspect of a social activity platform
@peerity - Announcing Peerity
website: https://www.peerity.io/
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/MGRNd86
intro: cannabis community combines blockchain with social networking to build a platform that rewards users for reviewing weed strain
invite: https://discord.gg/pMNP79x
intro: searches out amazing talented steemians and gives them a spotlight so that they can achieve greater success. Contest host.
@spotlight - Spotlight Open Media Network>
invite: https://discord.gg/9FS5sDP
intro: new server that promote artistic/creative projects and collaboration
@inquiringtimes - Welcome to Art Services
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/rjDej4J
intro: lightly used server dedicated to AirBnb for steemers
invite: https://discord.gg/mKFWnrR
intro: monitors abuse, plagiarism, and harrasment on steemit; known for @cheetah bot
@steemcleaners - Steemcleaners Guide for dealing with Abuse
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/TZcJU88
intro: a community project promoting quality writers of the humanities
@steemdeepthink -SteemDeepThink Weekly Digest
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/7ByEban
intro: A Properly Moderated chat server, just for software developers and coders.
@netuoso - Introducing SteemDevs Discord Server>
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/3XXSS8z
intro: lightly used server on media
@steemgigs - Steemgigs Discord Server>
invite: https://discord.gg/yt7GWdS
Home of #newsteem and #BISteem a bustling new discord channel!
Steemit Blogger’s Central Manifesto "Change The World With Knowledge"
SteemitBC moves to Discord
invite: https://discord.gg/e5XFZKa
intro: music photography discussion and networking
@jasonrussell - Steemit Local Music Society Discord
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/WPhMXfM
intro: share awesome posts for possible inclusion in Steemit Ramble, a manually curated list of posts generated by @ShadowsPub
@shadowspub -Steemit Ramble Curation Trail
invite: https://discord.gg/ZVye3J6
intro: a place for Live Podcasting, Recording Archives
@steemittalk - Hello I am the Steemit Talk Podcast
web: https://steemittalkpodcast.wordpress.com/
invite: Steemit Talk
intro: estoteric and occult themed stuff
@antonchanning - Magickal Steemians getting organised
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/bcyHnRH
intro: chat about trading and crypto; live talk radio
@bitcoinparadise - Guide Steemspeak Chat on Discord
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/sqxV63P
intro: curation, community and support for authors
@steemtrail - Steemtrail Daily Introduction
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/S6XEAUw
intro: voice chat venue where you can create, manage and moderate channels
@beanz - Instruction Manual on the Steem Venue
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/zBCQ7Zy
intro: a discord wide bot that does a bunch of neat things
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/7AYAyY7
intro: new server that used to be on PAL, now expanding.
contains teamnomad, a channel for homeless or traveling vagabonds
invite: https://discord.gg/YBFQjav
intro: group that monitors typicalbot
web: https://typicalbot.com/
docs: https://typicalbot.com/documentation/
invite: https://discord.gg/typicalbot
intro: a mentoring service for new steem writers
@fatpandadesign - The Unmentionables
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/UfEMmsy
intro: group that supports stories from the unheard or conflicted
@voiceshares - Introducing Voice of Steemit Project
invite: https://discordapp.com/invite/zjrNnj8
intro: community to help upvote and promote members thru vote sharing
@eirik/steemgig -A Complete Guide on how to use
@jphenderson - Whaleshares User Guide
invite: https://discord.gg/BTnPutH

the discord steem-art server
"...dont be afraid to analyse the data and question what is happening on steemit. we need to work together to keep this platform clean and free from scams and rubbish" - @paulag
Thanks for reading. From "The Inquiring Times" #newsteem
Join us in the SteemitBC Discord Server