POCKET was created and reserved on the bitshares blockchain so we could trade these experimental tokens on a dex!

During the time of the P.O.C.K.E.T. genesis block creation I contacted @biophil about creating POCKET on bitshares.
More Information
@biophil's Pocket Confirmer Github.
Initially 80 Billion POCKET was reserved in case more people chose to claim the tokens although unlikely.
No we can't have that many to be issued because the amount claimed was far less!
POCKET Genesis is now complete. Total supply: 1,222,001,222 Tokens. by @biophil
80 Billion minus the "Total supply: 1,222,001,222 Tokens" is 78777998778 tokens to be burned
POCKET to be issued and burned
POCKET issued to be burned
Reserve (burn) POCKET Asset
Confirming POCKET to be burned
POCKET Reserved (burnt) transaction confirmed
POCKET issued to @virtualgrowth (as an example)
POCKET exchange between steem and bitshares
Will be offering to exchange POCKET tokens between STEEM and bitshares blockchains. Fees may be paid to people to get this started. Will be reaching out to others including @biophil to work on getting some trading activity on bitshares to increase potential value and use for POCKET as well as a place where it may be traded since we don't have an exchange possibility on STEEM at this time. Don't think a bridge/gateway is worth exploring just yet in our experimental phase. However am open to exploring such possibility. Seems that many will be exchanged through a variety of ways on steem in exchange for goods, services, and other ideas potentially as some have already started too!
Sending POCKET on steem for POCKET on bitshares
Will offer this service in the near future. Please mention ideas and offer amounts to pay for this initial service. Would like to send a bunch of people these tokens at the same time so that everyone has time to be ready for the market. Like the genesis block taking some time. This way as to have more initial market makers to potentially make for a better market with many users getting involved around the same time.
Please express your interest for POCKET on bitshares at this time. In the coming days I will initialize accepting POCKET transactions between the STEEM and bitshares blockchains. Will also think up a good way to hold reserves backing up both reserves to keep them balanced while being transparent.
Initially I have only issued 1,000,001 POCKET to myself on bitshares as an example that are backed up by more than two million POCKET on a few other accounts. Will refrain from market making efforts until we have numerous POCKET token holders on btishares to be fair.
Within the next week I expect to issue POCKET tokens to users on bitshares that will be held on STEEM by this account. POCKET on bitshares will only be issued for POCKET that I hold that may be readily redeemed. In the future a reserve account will be created on bitshares to hold POCKET tokens as they are redeemed when I do not have enough to cover the outstanding bitshares POCKET. This is to keep them available for the future if they are needed again but to be "reserved" as they will not be on the market or exchangeable at such time that I take them back and give STEEM POCKET for them and could effectively not have enough STEEM POCKET to cover the bitshares POCKET token amounts in a continued effort to keep them balanced, and redeemable in a transparent model.
Top 20 POCKET holding accounts
- @musclenerd: 4999993
- @flauwy: 3000998
- @chrisx: 3000395
- @justinashby: 2999998
- @vedvati: 2999998
- @cmp2020: 2001000
- @pkvlogs: 1999999
- @troyvandeventer: 1999999
- @jeffjagoe: 1999999
- @zorg67: 1999998
- @helex: 1999996
- @wekkel: 1994346
- @ozymandias: 1900001
- @kenny-crane: 1499998
- @baus85: 1221000
- @ibringawareness: 1099999
- @mrstaf: 1099998
- @captainobviou3: 1096898
- @chefcryptoshark: 1069883
- @bbrewer: 1049889
@virtualgrowth has more than 4,999,993 on more than five accounts that have not been added/shared to my accounts at this time so they do not appear on this list
Read more about POCKET
POCKET Genesis is ending soon! The Pocket supply will be capped soon! by @biophil
Announcement: Free Pocket tokens for all those who comment on my posts by @siddartha
The Pockets giveaway is over. Now let's see what they're worth. by @mattclarke
POCKET Day 10: How to run your own confirmation bot by @biophil
MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER CONTEST: distributing all of the post's SBD rewards, 5 STEEM and more than 100,000 in POCKET tokens! by @heroic15397
Giveaway! Free Pocket Tokens! Enter Now! Hurry! Free Lunch? Everyone Wins! by @hashclouds
Pocket - The second pocket 100,000 AUCTION - Where history is written again!! by @rival
POCKET Day 8: What if the confirmation comes from a new confirmation bot? by @biophil
Lets get a Pocket wallet going!! by @jnjmarketingYou may sign up for bitshares here: